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  • questbg Friend

    I think this is the strangest problem I’ve had to date with Joomla 1.5.3/Teline II

    We had an article published (also front page news item) which worked fine.

    We then decided to change the photograph to another one. We removed the old one, put in the new one and published. The old photograph remained.

    I checked the HTML code and sure enough, the new photograph was in the code, no mention of the old one.

    Tried ‘refresh’ tried different browsers, exactly the same, the old photograph every time. Checking the image in the browsers confirmed … it really was the old image still published?!?!


    So, I decided to remove the new photograph from the article and go back to the text:

    Here is the article in the text editor:

    You can see from the HTML, the image has been removed:

    Applied and Saved the article. Refreshed the Category page in the Browser and this is what I get:

    The old image again which has actually now been removed?!

    And, this is the actual article (again refreshed several times)

    Does anybody know why this is still being published after I removed it in the article?

    Very weird :((


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi questbg !
    Plesase pm admin account , i will check it for you.

    questbg Friend

    <em>@hainn84 62374 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi questbg !
    Plesase pm admin account , i will check it for you.</blockquote>

    Done! 🙂

    Good luck

    cinthiapolanco Friend

    Hola a todos y todas

    Tal vez a alguno de ustedes les ha sucedido lo siguiente: Recièn he configurado y comenzado a usar el JA Teline II. Todo iba muy, sin embargo, no puedo accesar a la pàgina usando el Internet Explorer. Pocos segundos despuès de que la pàgina se despliega, esta sale.

    Otra, usando Mozilla Firefox surge el siguiente aviso “La URL no es valida y no puede ser cargada”, aunque luego la pàgina se despliega.

    ¿Alguien tiene idea de lo que pueda estar ocurriendo?

    Si quisieran y pudieran verificar lo que les digo, les dejo la URL problematica:

    Les agradecerìa cualquier explicaciòn.

    Gracias anticipadas.


    anaivelisse Friend

    Cinthia- A mi me paso eso y ahora no recuerdo como lo solucione porque estoy metida en un rollo. Dame un tiempo y te ayudo.

    anaivelisse Friend

    Hello All-

    Cinthia is having the following problem:

    She installed Joomla 1.5 and Teline II and everything was OK. All of the sudden she can not access the administration page using IE and when she tries accesing the page using FF she get the following: The Adddress is not Valid. Check the link she posted above, to see what’s going on. What could he happening there?

    Menalto Friend

    Ask her if she have the Wrapper module published without an valid adress in?

    cinthiapolanco Friend

    <em>@Menalto 63551 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ask her if she have the Wrapper module published without an valid adress in?</blockquote>

    El Wrapper module NO esta publicado.

    (The Wrapper moddule is not published) My english es very very bad, excuseme.


    cinthiapolanco Friend

    <em>@Menalto 63551 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ask her if she have the Wrapper module published without an valid adress in?</blockquote>

    Despues de deshabilitar el Wrapper Mòdule y reiniciar el Mozila FireFox el problema ha quedado solucionado. Ya no sale el mensaje. Pero ahora los mòdulos Left y Right que tenìa colocado en la posiciòn de los Videos, la nùmero 5. en el Internet Explorer se han desplazado hacia abajo. Sin embargo, en el FF estàn bien. Probaré a mover algunos módulos para ver que ocurre.:confused::confused:


    anaivelisse Friend

    Menalto- She unpublised the Wrapper module and restarted FF and everything went OK. Now she is working with the video module.

    anaivelisse Friend

    Cinthia- El modulo de video va en el user5. Asi quedara en la parte superior de las columnas de la derecha.

    questbg Friend

    <em>@cinthiapolanco 63636 wrote:</em><blockquote> My english es very very bad, excuseme.

    Cinthia … your English is OK, don’t worry … some more time here and it will be perfect! 🙂

    Usted habla inglés muy bueno 🙂

    As Ana said, Video module has to be published in ‘User5’ in order to stay top of ‘right’ column.

    I just love these multi-lingual threads … great community stuff!

    Hasta luego!!

    anaivelisse Friend

    Chris- Apparently, the only multi-lingual here is YOU! 😉

    Although I used your french tutorial, to work the Spanish translation!

    questbg Friend

    I think if we continue making ‘tutorials’ together with Cornelio, Victor and Cinthia … we’ll all be fluent in English, French and Spanish!!

    😀 😎 :-*

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  questbg 15 years, 10 months ago.

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