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  • tonkatonka Friend

    Hi all

    I’m currently using an OStraining paypal donation module and have been looking for something similar to take simple paypal payments (rather than donations).

    There’s obviously plenty of e-commerce modules around but my organisation has memberships rather than products, so I really don’t want to throw up a heap of fields for people to enter – all I need is their name and address (which for donations, I use the “shipping address”).

    I can modify the donation module to have a “buy now” button and my own text, but it still shows up as donations when you go to the Paypal site. Here’s the page where I’m using the modified donation module…

    Any suggestions as to what the best solution might be (even if using a paid ecommerce module that can be “dumbed down”)?

    Ta Neil

    TomC Moderator

    Ta Neil:

    As it appears that you are using a 3rd Party extension, have you presented your inquiry with the OSTraining Support Team and/or Community Forum for assistance?

    tonkatonka Friend

    <em>@TomC 285026 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ta Neil:

    As it appears that you are using a 3rd Party extension, have you presented your inquiry with the OSTraining Support Team and/or Community Forum for assistance?</blockquote>

    G’day Tom. Yes, I did present it to the support team but they said they could only assist site members (which I’m not). I haven’t put it on the forum. That said, I might join up as it looks like there might be a lot of little new things I’ll be able to do for not much money.

    The other thing is that I found something called VM which looks like it might be what I want anyway – but thought I’d ask first.

    Cheers – NJ

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tonkatonka 12 years, 6 months ago.

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