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  • Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@insofticursos 469167 wrote:</em><blockquote>@Ninja Lead – The two problems are not resolved. I’m using Google Chrome.
    Visit the beginning page, and then the link I spent in access.</blockquote>

    I fixed the problem on JA Promo Bar module directly on your site.

    About Modelo Barra de eneder?o TOP module (with acm-header position) if you assign the module under acm-header position, you will see the logo and menu bar was hidden in this case, see the screenshot

    Tech-xml Friend

    Solved, thank you

    Tech-xml Friend

    @ninja Lead The problem of bar override the mainmenu back. Can you help me?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can the custom in JA Promo Bar module to fix the problem on your site

    Open the modules/mod_japromobar/tmpl/default.php file

    find and change

    function jaClosePromoBar(){
    var h = parseInt($('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?>').outerHeight());
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').animate({'top':'-'+h+'px'}, '<?php echo $speed; ?>', '<?php echo $easingClose; ?>');
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').hide('<?php echo $speed; ?>');
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .icon-toogle').removeClass('opened').addClass('closed');
    setCookie('ja_promo_bar_<?php echo $module->id?>','closed',1);

    function jaOpenPromoBar(){
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').css('display', 'block');
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').show('<?php echo $speed; ?>', function() {
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').animate({'top':0}, '<?php echo $speed; ?>', '<?php echo $easingClose; ?>');
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .icon-toogle').removeClass('closed').addClass('opened');
    setCookie('ja_promo_bar_<?php echo $module->id?>','opened',1);


    function jaClosePromoBar(){
    var h = parseInt($('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?>').outerHeight());
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').animate({'top':'-'+h+'px'}, '<?php echo $speed; ?>', '<?php echo $easingClose; ?>');
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').hide('<?php echo $speed; ?>');
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .icon-toogle').removeClass('opened').addClass('closed');
    setCookie('ja_promo_bar_<?php echo $module->id?>','closed',1);

    function jaOpenPromoBar(){
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').css('display', 'block');
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').show('<?php echo $speed; ?>', function() {
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .inner').animate({'top':0}, '<?php echo $speed; ?>', '<?php echo $easingClose; ?>');
    $('#ja-promo-bar-<?php echo $module->id?> .icon-toogle').removeClass('closed').addClass('opened');
    setCookie('ja_promo_bar_<?php echo $module->id?>','opened',1);

    Hope it helps

    Tech-xml Friend

    Solved, Thanks

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

This topic contains 20 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Tech-xml 8 years, 5 months ago.

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