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  • Rx Greenthumb, Inc. Friend

    Since I don’t have a clue how to get support and your chat system is broken and I pay you too much money for this kind of non-sense. Right now I can’t get the Services Manager to log me in.

    When I pop up your non-functioning chat system I get this…

    Something’s wrong
    We’re unable to load the messenger
    Try Again

    It’s been like that for weeks and if I didn’t need to get my services manager login to work I wouldn’t bother to even login here. It is so not worth my money to pay for all this non-sense just to get a simple template updated and or plugins updated.

    This is really getting old! Me’s thinks it’s time for a 3rd party template changeout… you guys get back to making fancy and I’ll go spend my money elsewhere.

    Ever even think of something as simple as this…?

    Stop with the fancy I NEED COMPETENT SUPPORT!

    Michael McCarthy

    Rx Greenthumb, Inc. Friend

    I do NOT have time for this…

    Please update the service setting or contact with service provider.

    Why does this all of a sudden stop working?

    Have you dumped your cache lately?

    Michael McCarthy

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Our chat window is working fine: Also This is not our site to open tickets.
    It seems you posted on the wrong forum.
    Can you check again and share the issue details that you are facing in Joomlart products?


    Rx Greenthumb, Inc. Friend

    No it’s not… If it is, explain this…

    This is the same on three different browsers with two of them having cache dumped and cookies as well.

    My Service Manager doesn’t log me in and allow me to get updates.

    And the support forums are pretty much worthless since I’m days into this waste of time.

    1. screen1

    Michael McCarthy

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Can you clear browser cache and check the chatbox again?
    I tested it in firefox and chrome it opens fine

    If you have any issue regarding Joomlart products kindly open thread on product forum page with the site and issue details so Support team will help you.
    If you have any issue in the billing department (live chat), kindly post it here and I will share this ticket with the sales team.


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 6 years, 9 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum