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  • latino07 Friend


    I am having big issues. Anyone able to use with JS 2.2.5?


    latino07 Friend

    FYI, IF I set template to beez2 JS works nicely. So the problem is related with the theme.


    latino07 Friend


    Fixed after setting css and js compression / optimization to no.


    TomC Moderator

    <em>@latino07 280076 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi:

    Fixed after setting css and js compression / optimization to no.

    Geez .. and I was just about to jump in and resolve everything for you – hehe. 😎

    Seriously though – GOOD JOB !!!
    (amazing how a little trial-and-error can go a long way, eh?)

    latino07 Friend

    Thank you anyway. Yes but sometimes these ‘little’ things makes one waste lot of time debugging.

    Lucky man I am today!


    phicts Friend

    Is this the correct or proper solution – turning off css and js compression?
    I just checked on Google webmaster tools / recommendations and learned that things like css and js optimization spells a big difference on site performance. So why turn it off when it’s there exactly to optimize the site?

    joomlad Friend

    Yes, I also would like to know why one would have to compromise optimization for a solution to what looks to be a quick bug fix?

    n6rej Friend

    <em>@joomlad 281342 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yes, I also would like to know why one would have to compromise optimization for a solution to what looks to be a quick bug fix?</blockquote>
    the problem with optimization and compression is which .css file gets to be the parent element?
    theoritically and by design overrides always do, BUT!!! if some has put myelent{color:pink !important;} then guess what? No matter what myelent is going to be pink, UNLESS you also use Important in the override…
    I’ve run into this numerous times.
    So its not always the fault of the template company, it might be the fault of the view ( extension ) or any other css in the process.
    now we have to add JS, mootools, ajax, and all these other things and the same thing happens to them.
    if you have an animated section guess what? you can’t cache it.. else it won’t be animated…
    there are several kinds of optimization techniques and algorithms for this very reason.
    It alot like the IE 6, 7,8,9 issues… they SHOULD work fine but MS chooses to not have that happen. So the application dev, has to play tweak games to compensate.
    here’s a really simple brownish gradient…

    background: #f0b7a1; /* Old browsers */
    /* IE9 SVG, needs conditional override of 'filter' to 'none' */
    background: url();
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f0b7a1 0%, #8c3310 50%, #752201 51%, #bf6e4e 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#f0b7a1), color-stop(50%,#8c3310), color-stop(51%,#752201), color-stop(100%,#bf6e4e)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f0b7a1 0%,#8c3310 50%,#752201 51%,#bf6e4e 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f0b7a1 0%,#8c3310 50%,#752201 51%,#bf6e4e 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f0b7a1 0%,#8c3310 50%,#752201 51%,#bf6e4e 100%); /* IE10+ */
    background: linear-gradient(top, #f0b7a1 0%,#8c3310 50%,#752201 51%,#bf6e4e 100%); /* W3C */
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#f0b7a1', endColorstr='#bf6e4e',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-8 */

    here is the program url to do so you’ll notice that for each browser the style and code is VERY different… this is truly they problem.

    I’m not trying to make excuses, judging if ja is @ fault here or not… I”m simply answering the question, why all the hoop jumping…
    I run into this all the time and its very annoying …….. >:(

    latino07 Friend

    Update: to fix a problem with hwdvideoshare (happens with Jomsocial), I set css compress to join and minify.


    n6rej Friend

    <em>@latino07 281536 wrote:</em><blockquote>Update: to fix a problem with hwdvideoshare (happens with Jomsocial), I set css compress to join and minify.

    hahah interesting fix.. glad its resolved.

    phicts Friend

    <em>@latino07 281536 wrote:</em><blockquote>Update: to fix a problem with hwdvideoshare (happens with Jomsocial), I set css compress to join and minify.


    This is better.

    I’m not saying it’s a template or dev error; i know too little to be talking like that. :-[ My only concern is that the built-in optimization provided in the template should be turned on under normal circumstance rather than turned off to provide a quick fix to some conflicts or errors when there’s a better way to fix it.

    By the way, Jomsocial 2.4 stable version has already been released and hopefully, the current JA Social template at 1.7.0 will still work out fine with it.

    n6rej Friend

    <em>@phicts 282057 wrote:</em><blockquote>This is better.

    I’m not saying it’s a template or dev error; i know too little to be talking like that. :-[ My only concern is that the built-in optimization provided in the template should be turned on under normal circumstance rather than turned off to provide a quick fix to some conflicts or errors when there’s a better way to fix it.

    By the way, Jomsocial 2.4 stable version has already been released and hopefully, the current JA Social template at 1.7.0 will still work out fine with it.</blockquote>
    i wish I knew more about the optimization rules to help with that… i know there are tons of “styles” of doing so but thats about it.
    as for JA and jom I know those 2 are designed to work together well but whether social is ready or not i dont’ know

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