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  • okulo Friend

    In the Teline II user guide:

    It says:

    Q: I want to add a template position in to my Joomla!
    A: Go to your Administration Panel, Site -> Template Manager -> Module Positions. Add your template positions and hit the Save button.

    However, when I follow these instructions I don’t see a ‘Module Positions‘ option – I just see the list of templates installed.

    I have found the option to add a module under Modules Manager but that does not give the option to add a template position.

    Am I missing something?

    scotty Friend

    Please see this thread on how to add a position in any template.

    okulo Friend

    Thanks for the reply, Scotty.

    I searched for ‘module position’ in the Teline II section but did not see anything helpful.

    I’ll have to digest that but it raises a general question, why does the user guide say what it does when it is clearly not the solution?

    okulo Friend

    I just checked the thread you linked to and whilst I can see that it facilitates the adding of a new module position, I don’t see how that module is defined, i.e. where it appears.

    scotty Friend

    Where it is displayed depends on where in the index.php file you place it and what CSS styling you apply. The other div classes in the index.php will give you an indication of where you are.

    The instructions you originally looked at in the user guide are for Joomla 1.0

    okulo Friend

    Joomla 1.0! Ah, right. Thanks.

    The rest of the answer is over my head at this stage of my development.

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Scotty,

    I’m still not able to see my new position and was wondering if you know what I might be doing wrong. Where I would like to create a new module position is right under the menu and above the FPnews. I have attached a photo for you to see and the area I want the ticker is marked with two blue lines. Bacically I want a news ticker to scroll across there and it’s a perfect spot, so I assume I need to create a new position for that spot.
    JA had kindly responed and said to add a new position after this block, which I did but dosn’t seem to show my new position.

    I placed :

    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”ticker” />
    At the Bottom of this block (after END:MAIN NAVAGATION), on line 156 in the teline_ii/index.php:
    [FONT=Courier New]<!– BEGIN: MAIN NAVIGATION –>[/FONT]

    [FONT=Courier New]<div id=”ja-mainnavwrap”>

    <div id=”ja-mainnav” class=”clearfix”>
    <?php $jamenu->genMenu (0); ?>
    <?php if ($hasSubnav) { ?>
    <div id=”ja-subnavwrap”>
    <div id=”ja-subnav” class=”clearfix”>
    <?php $jamenu->genMenu (1,1); ?>
    <?php } ?>


    I added the new position after this block on line 156 per intructions from JA help desk. However the position is not showing up.




    Do you know perhaps what I’m doing wrong? I’m just trying to add a “ticker” to scroll across. In the attached photo the area I would like it to show is marked with blue lines. Thanks for any help!


    1. ticker_area
    sbaldwin Friend

    OK…I’m a dummy! I just assumed once you place the <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”ticker” /> [FONT=Arial]that is shows up in template.xml under position. I actually had to type it in… 🙂 sorry about that![/FONT]

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