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  • kimandboo Friend

    My website grew to needing a number of extra pages off the main homepage, since I didn’t want to have to change from a template that I liked already, for a number of reasons. The inner pages are governed by a template manager style distinct from that of the homepage, and they have a different layout and theme, as well.

    There is one template style for ‘Ja Homepage’, in which each of the separate main menu positions are associated with different onepage modules on the homepage.

    By contrast, articles appearing in inner pages – as sub-menu items under established homepage onepage menu positions – have a customized appearance through the template manager with a distinctly different template style (I changed the name from the ‘Ja Default’ template style to ‘Ja Onepage – Inner Pages’, and chose not to match the second template theme to be identical with the theme of the ‘Ja Homepage’ style, but left it as ‘Modern’.

    The navigation problems that I am experiencing exist because of my decision to add more pages.

    Issues relate to navigation: (1) URL addresses of sub-menu items; and (2) a bug that I was previously unaware of that restricts smartphone navigation from inner page articles navigating back to selected onepage modules on the homepage.

    (1) I don’t know what accounts for sub-menu items (inner page articles) appearing with numbers – presumably related to dates – as part of their URL address:

    The website’s Words article URL under Portfolio is not, but rather is:
    Similarly, each sub-menu item associated with an article under Portfolio shows the same pattern:
    Art Show Video appears as Etc.

    Any other main menu module associated with sub-menu article pages has numbers showing, as well, instead of the name of the onepage module, when displayed as part of a sub-menu item URL.

    The relationship between the main menu item and the number designation actually does show up when you are creating links to the sub-menu items, but I don’t know why or how to revert back to the associated main menu name in URL addressing.

    Any idea why this occurs, or how I change the designations?

    (2) I recently realized that there is a difficulty in navigating from inner page items on a smartphone to main onepage menu items. For instance, in attempting to navigate from the Words article under Portfolio to the Portfolio onepage module in the left drop-down menu, I see the URL address as – and then it simply hangs – no movement from the Words article.

    I have seen so little about the addition of inner pages using the Onepage template, that I have opted to describe these two problems together in one place – although I know this is a bug, since this problem came to my attention only in the last several days and is clearly an anomaly. I expect that I will probably need custom support.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi kimandboo,

    1. You can try to use an extension that supports SEF link ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. It seems to be a bug, I will pass this to dev team and will be back to you when having solution.


    kimandboo Friend

    Hi Saguaros,

    Thank you for your attention to my two navigation problems. I’m very grateful for your awesome solution to the long URL problem that I was experiencing on my website. It was a true kindness for you to come to my aid, and also to be of assistance to others who may choose to complicate the JA Onepage template by adding additional pages.

    The Direct Alias extension from AlterBrains ( is brilliant. After enabling the plugin, go to the Menu Manager for any menu item you choose, and override the “relative” designation next to a menu item alias to make it “direct”. I couldn’t be more delighted with the elegant solution AlterBrains offers.

    Saguaros, once again, you are amazing! I’ll learn to say thanks more frequently in the future.

    Best regards,

    Saguaros Moderator

    You’re welcome ๐Ÿ™‚ and feel free to let us know if you need further helps.

    Best Regards

    kimandboo Friend

    Thanks, Saguaros, I still do need JoomlArt support to come through with a custom fix on the smartphone drop-down navigation bug that I described in issue #2 above.

    [My bad for putting two issues together in one thread].

    mariacuci Friend

    I Have tried the Direct Alias Plug in, but alas I am unable to get the Main Menu item to show up a new plugin on a separate page.

    Menu item: Bookings (Alias: bookings)
    Appointment Booking Pro 3 ยป bookingscreengadwiz

    Any other thoughts to try?

    I Just figured it out. You have to Set the Template style otherwise it does not work

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mariacuci 10 years, 8 months ago.

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