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  • daystar1124 Friend

    Hey guys,

    So I’ve been toying with purity_III modifications and I have an interesting issue. I thought it was fairly easy to remove the menu from a specific page (like a checkbox) but have had no such luck with my page. I’ll tell you what I have done so far..

    I’ve removed the checkbox for the home menu item from the assigned module for the menu. No dice

    I’ve unpublished the assigned module. No dice

    I’ve followed this guide from joomlablogger and thought I would have success.. but the “page class” modifier only applied to the article, not the body tag for the pag elike suggested. (it also applies funny, here is the code:

    <div class=”item-pagesplashpage123 clearfix”>

    Thats right, no space either! So it breaks the css pointed to item-page! )

    I’ve completely disabled MegaMenu in the navigation tab in purity_iii… This is because I read that disableing menu items / entire menus using this was no possible.

    So my question.. what have I been doing wrong? I really need this menu disabled because the main function of the page is to be a “splash page” that users see, but then navigate to other pages for different location-based sites in the system.

    Any help is kindly appreciated. I am at a loss for this one.

    daystar1124 Friend

    So far, I haven’t made any headway. I don’t see why this is so hard. Does anyone know a different way I can, maybe even using php, to add my own class to the body tag for specific pages? I have found the page IDs.. but I am not sure how these can help me remove elements from certain pages.

    However, I am currently exploring this joomla doc and I think it might be promising. It is taking me some time to understand it. Any idea if this will help me with the the purity_iii template? I am just at a loss on this one. Maybe someone can offer some better alternatives to removing the menu on the homepage?


    <em>@daystar1124 434192 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hey guys,
    <div class=”item-pagesplashpage123 clearfix”>

    PS: adding a space to the front of this does make it work alright. However, it is only for the <!– MAIN CONTENT –> area of the page, and thus won’t help with the menu hiding or speific modification of css across the page head.

    daystar1124 Friend

    So, I have had success. I just had to modify the correct tpls file, which I am using the corporate code and not the default code. Adding the 3rd snippit from that page into my corporate.php file, linking up the id in the code and creating the suffix does indeed duplicate the class into id for this to work. Now, I should be able to create and modify css for these specific pages inside my code.. However, I’m still kindof at a loss as to how I can use this code to hide the menu alltogether. I guess just a simple display: none would work at the navbar location? I will test a few things and get back here with my solution.

    Despite no responses, it did make it easier to find a solution by being able to post on these forums. Kept my head on straight!

    daystar1124 Friend

    Well, just wanted to post my success to help someone else down the road. This solution is very straight-forward and if I would have found it sooner I probably would have went on with my day quicker. haha.. Anyway.

    You will need to follow this article in the joomla documentation. By default, page suffixes added in the “Page class” section of the template apply only to the article itself, but the php the doc suggests adding pulls that same id up into the body tag (or anywhere, honestly) of the document.

    The being said, youll need to create your css file for specific page manipulation with the space added in mind. On the “Page class” section, youll need to add a space before your first class addition, otherwise it will run together like class=”itempagesplashpage” where the red and blue indicate two different classes. The first, added by default and the second added by me. So, adding a space makes it output class=”itempage splashpage”

    Pick the correct php and add it to your default/index/ect php file, or whatever file compiles all the other files in your template, and then add the body id/class code to your body as well. Test wether you have the right file or not if you find it isn’t working by going to the bottom and adding a p tag with some random letters. If it outputs, you’ve got the right file.

    Feel free to message if this isn’t clear. I hope this helps someone!


    Nazario A Friend


    Glad you figured it out and thanks for sharing the tweak.

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