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  • tiltongh Friend

    Hello all, and thanks in advance.

    I have set up Ja Bookshop with Mijoshop for my online store –

    However, the transition speed of the slides in the main slideshow is so fast and I need to change that setting.

    Can you please advise me where to make those changes on the transition speed?

    Thank you and Best Regards,


    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    Open this file /modules/mod_jaslideshowlite/mod_jaslideshowlite.php and find

    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.addEvent('domready', function(){
            window.jassliteInst = window.jassliteInst || [];
            window.jassliteInst.push(new JASliderCSS('ja-ss-<?php echo $module->id;?>', {
                interval: 5000,
                duration: <?php echo ($type != 'custom' ? '1000' : '2200'); ?>,
                repeat: true,
                autoplay: <?php echo $autoPlay;?>,
                navigation: <?php echo $showNavigation;?>,
                thumbnail: <?php echo $showThumbnail;?>,
                urls:['<?php echo implode('\',\'', $urls); ?>'],
                targets:['<?php echo implode('\',\'', $targets); ?>']

    Change value into interval: 5000 as you wish , it is in milliseconds

    tiltongh Friend

    Thank you Pavit for your swift answer.

    I found the file you mentioned and made the suggested changes.

    However, I do not see any change in the speed.

    I set it to 12000 instead of the initial 5000. I do not see any change actually.

    You could check my site

    Please let me know if you need any further details.

    Thanks again in advance for your support.


    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    You are not using default ja slideshow lite on your website but a 3rd party slideshow (nivoslider) you should ask how to manage it directly on extension website forum not here

    tiltongh Friend

    Hello Pavit. Thanks again for your response.

    Yes i realized it has to do with Nivoslider, but what i have now is actually what i got when I implemented the Ja Bookshop Mijoshop installation instructions.

    I didn’t separately install nivoslider.

    Please advise a link to the appropriate forum to check this out.

    Thanks again for your time and patience.



    pavit Moderator

    Hi @abraham

    Could you share as private reply a temp super user account to your backend ?

    I will have a look at it directly on your website

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 8 years ago.

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