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  • riomega Friend

    i have problem with ja_beranis template. By default it works only on traditional latin charset of Robot font. I want to make it work with latin-extended, but when i add


    to google font embedding link in /etc/assets.xml font is not loading…at all.

    Any ideas?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi riomega,

    You may need to check again the embedded code for character sets you select. For example: I select like this:

    and here is code generated: <link href=’,latin-ext’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’>


    riomega Friend

    this was the first thig i tried.
    it doesn’t work. Anything that has &subset… is ignored and font is not loaded. it looks like template or T3 bug.

    riomega Friend

    up. still not resolved

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi riomega,

    Please try this way:

    – Create a css file named ‘custom.css‘ in directory: /templates/ja_beranis/css

    – Add this line inside to import roboto font with latin extended set:

    @import url(,latin-ext);

    If it still doesn’t work, pm me admin and ftp account of your site, I will check it for you.


    riomega Friend

    still doesn’t work, PM sent.

    riomega Friend

    ok, since i got no useful help from support team i tried and found a workaround.
    instead of loading font through .css / .xls file with assets i’ve just added it to templates/ja_beranis/tpls/blocks/header.php (at the end, just before end-tag </header>

    i’ve used simple google code:
    <link href=’,100,100italic,300italic,400italic,500,500italic,900,700,700italic,900italic,300&subset=latin-ext,latin’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’>

    Saguaros Moderator


    I’m sorry for the late response, I tried to access the ftp account but without success, let me know if you still need helps πŸ™‚

    tiborto Friend

    Hi, for me work this hack:

    1. Open the /etc/assets.xml file
    2. Replace:


    with this


    Very important: use & instead only & !

    Hope this help. πŸ™‚

    palos Friend

    πŸ˜€ Fine TibortΓ³!
    I would had to find out where to put it but you helped a lot now.
    Open the /etc/assets.xml file

    palos Friend


    How should I add latin-ext to Fixel’s downloaded Font Squirrel typeface?

    Should I download from Font Squirrel the proper charset? Noooooo. :((

    tiborto Friend

    “latin-ext” works only with Google Fonts. If you prefer use Font Squirrel, you need download proper files from FS website.
    For example, this font support Hungarian language: πŸ™‚

    palos Friend

    Hi Tiborto πŸ˜‰
    Not especially me but JA preferred using a Google and a Font Squirrel Typeface at Fixel template.
    I think there are many similar fonts at Google but it might be a love affair for the designer using NOVECENTO WIDE.
    Telling the truth it is a painful decision embedding an “only-latin” subset of a font family.
    Using Google fonts is not a foolproof solution but a much flexible way…

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