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  • Saguaros Moderator


    You need to define the font in assets.xml file, pls check out this docs for more info: (check Google fonts part)


    hdcms Friend

    I have read this documentation and modified the assets.xml file

    2. Use assets.xml file… Use below format:

    <File> fonts / novecentowide / stylesheet.css </ file>
    <File>,100,300 </ file>
    </ Stylesheets>

    I do not see the font in the list of choices (cf previous image)!?
    What is the input field "custom font" !! doc?"


    Saguaros Moderator

    You can share the credentials of your site: Admin + FTP account so I will take a look.

    hdcms Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Saguaros Moderator


    As I can see that your site is loading Lato font now.

    For the dropdown list of fonts in thememagic, it will show built-in fonts in template only, we already provide fields for you to add another / custom font there.


    hdcms Friend

    Did you do something to use this font?
    The syntax for the field is therefore:
    ‘font-family: Lato’, sans-serif

    Saguaros Moderator


    You mean in ThemeMagic field, I see it was already there.

    Another way is that you can declare this as based font family via variables.less file so that your site will load this font.

    Let me know if you need further helps.


    hdcms Friend

    Sorry but I actually need to fully understand how it works using the field because I have not seen a doc on this field.
    I must first reproduce the changes I made
    1 / @import to custom.css file

    @import url('');

    2 / make an addition in the /templates/ja_megastore/etc/assets.xml
    3 / add of ThemeMagic field:

    ‘font-family: Lato’, sans-serif


    Saguaros Moderator


    May I know which part you want to have this font or it’s default of whole website?

    hdcms Friend


    • For this site, I want this to be the main font.
    • For another site using your thememagic, I would like to understand how to use the ThemeMagic field

    Can you clarify what you do not understand? If you can not answer

    Saguaros Moderator


    Changing via ThemeMagic will be the same as via LESS files, it seems that your site is not running with Development Mode (less files will be loaded on your site), you will need to compile less to css.

    Pls try to backup all current css file first, then go to Extensions > Templates > the default template style > and compile less to css.


    hdcms Friend

    I did what you suggested (backup, compilation). Nothing changes 🙁
    Why does not it work?

    I’m sorry, but I do not understand whether the 2 proposals are equivalent.
    In this case, the easiest way is to make it run via themeagic (there would be no need to compile) and remove all font calls from the CSS !!

    Have you looked at my site? Can you look at the & FTP website to save us time if there was a big mistake

    Thank you

    Saguaros Moderator


    I investigate further on your site and the problem comes from the module FavSocial installed on your site (3rd party extension), it loads its own bootstrap which override the font family on your site.

    You can try to disable this module and see that it loads Lato font family well.


    hdcms Friend

    Thank you it works.
    So I remember that the easiest way to put a custom font is;
    1 / @import to custom.css file

       @import url('');

    2 / add of ThemeMagic field:

        ‘font-family: Lato’, sans-serif

    No need to modify assets.xml

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  hdcms 6 years, 9 months ago.

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