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  • metamar Friend

    I have installed and edited many joomlat templates using same method every time but with Ja Lime, I seem to have a language character problem where my Turkish letters are not recognized in the back end. as soon as I type something like a “Γ§” or a “ş” or a “ğ” or a “ΓΌ” then the character gets substituted with a question mark.

    Usually it automatically works even without language files.

    I tried installing (TR-tr language files for front and back end but had same result.)

    Is it the database? how can I fix this?

    metamar Friend

    sergeyf1 Friend

    The similar problem is observed and with Russian characters at installation from Quick Start

    questbg Friend

    Hi Both

    I’ve never used Lime, but if you go to ‘Template Manager’ in Admin and open Lime, do you have an option on the right hand side to disable Cufon?

    (Enable Cufon, set to ‘No’)

    If so, could you try that and see what happens.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello guys

    I think this is a problem of the charset, you should download a language package which support your language, and access the langugage manager to set the language as default.

    metamar Friend

    Thank you but that’s what I innitially said I tried already
    Doesn’t work

    metamar Friend

    Anybody else have a clue about whats wrong with Ja Lime?
    Other templates never behaved this way…

    metamar Friend

    No Cufon but I remember seeing it somewhere else maybe? but that might be another template πŸ™

    metamar Friend

    metamar Friend

    I took a better look at the database and it seems to be using Swedish/latin collation.
    As I guess, this is a huge problem for me and anyone else using other character languages.
    The sample data seems to have been initially created using this latin character set instead of unicode.
    I tried converting the thing but I have had no luck, some websites say its not possible and others say yes but by using software i dont have.

    I am convinced that this is the problem.
    After spending 2 days of my precious time, I reached a dead end, I have to restart my site from scratch. Using my own collation database, sample data being uncompatible.

    Thanks for the help guys! If anyone knows a way to convert latin collation tables to unicode…msg me! πŸ˜€

    metamar Friend

    Well With the help of a helpful program called MySQL Maestro, I was able to convert my tables one by one to Utf_Unicode but the problem was still there!

    So I guess I’ll search manually for CUFON in every little template file I can find.
    Anyone else have an idea?

    metamar Friend

    A friend of mine tells me he has same problem with JM TOPAZ…. his turkish language files are installed but still he gets “?” instead of the special characters.

    I couldnt figure this out and I am about to just dump the whole project. 😑

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi metamar

    In the case, please submit a ticket, send us your live url, admin account, ftp account so that we have a closer look on the issue.

    ibrahimbdawy Friend


    There have been the same problem me in Arabic and I have change manually in the database by opening the table and change, such as images.

    I hope that it will help you…;)

    klmklm Friend


    I have installed the Arabic language pack on the template but still have ?????? as the Arabic text. I did not follow on the previous post (ibrahimbdawy)what needed to be don. Is there a way for someone to explain what to do.

    what I’ve done looking at the previous post is is went to Collation then Operations then changed it from latin1_swedish_ci to utf8_general_ci but this did not resolve the issue which I am having which is having the Arabic text coming up as ???????

    Many thanks in advance. :-*

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