test melih
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  • davikos Friend

    Hi there,
    I want to display image gallery from K2 item to Category item listing page.
    I have enable the “Image gallery” option at “Item view options in category listings” in order to show the Gallery to each item of K2.

    Your code is:

    <?php if($this->item->params->get('catItemImageGallery') && !empty($this->item->gallery)): ?>
    <!-- Item image gallery -->
    <div class="catItemImageGallery">
    <h4><?php echo JText::_('K2_IMAGE_GALLERY'); ?></h4>
    <?php echo $this->item->gallery; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    The first part of your if expression isn’t working, but that’s no problem (I’m using an override k2 template just for this page) i’ve removed it to display the gallery either if I have it enabled to category or not…

    My problem is that the gallery is not parsed from the “Simple Image Gallery Pro” plugin as it should be (if I open the item it is parsed correctly).
    I do get back the “plugin code” {gallery}image gallery name{/gallery} thow..

    Obviously I have to add something else to my code beside the above code, in order the gallery to be parsed from the plugin.. but what is that?

    Thank you in advance…

    davikos Friend

    Anyone any suggestions?

    Eragon H Friend

    Can you provide more detail of how you want to achieve by screenshots with description. And, kindly PM your site url and temporary admin account. I can have better understanding of your concern.

    Also,for this such concern, I would like to suggest you to ask support from K2 and JoomlaWorks community

    davikos Friend

    Thank you for your reply
    I’ve solved that by assigning the correct template style to my category (I’m using multiple categories for K2 and it’s getting pretty complex…)

    Thanks again! 😀

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  davikos 10 years, 4 months ago.

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