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  • cyrusxxx Friend

    Since you are new owners of JomSocial I have the need to post this here, and hope you will make this happen.

    I am JomSocial user for 4 years now and JomSocial has come a long way in the past few years, but one thing is still not available. I think it is time for JomSocial to get menu IDs so we dont have to use third party software like Advanced Module Manager to display modules where we want on JomSocial related pages.

    For those who dont know what I am talking about, here are the things which are affected by not having menu IDs system which Joomla uses.

    1. In urls for example Members page url looks like no matter what you put in alias it will not be respected. So it will be SEO ugly and if you are not English native speaker this is definitely ugly.

    2. If you want to insert different joomla modules on JomSocial pages you cant! You have to use third party software like Advanced Module Manager to place different modules on different JomSocial pages.

    3. Also here is one more problem not having menu IDs, when you want to insert custom meta tags for for example facebook open graph you will have issues because 90% of plugins have issues assigning meta because there is no IDs.

    And yes I have posted this on JomSocial community page

    Michał JomSocial Friend

    Zdravo Gorane!

    Thank you for contacting us and your feedback.
    You’re referring to JomSocial toolbar where all menu items share the same menu item ID from their parent – JS frontpage. In our documentation we explained our approach – this menu is used for internal component navigation so it will not work as regular JomSocial menu:

    If you take a look on any other complex extensions you’ll see that it work the same way. E.g Kunena forum – all topics or topic creation pages share the same ID.

    We know that in some cases it may cause issues for users. but that;s why we implemented built-in module positions: They can be utilized on specific pages. If that’s not enough you may use Advanced Module Manager you’ve mentioned.

    Okay, I understand you want to limit use of 3rd party 🙂 So there’s a third solution: you may create hidden menu and new menu items that lead to main JomSocial parts like: profile, friends, events, groups, photos and inbox. Thus you’ll add menu items for all pages related with them. Pages related with profile like profile, editing profile, page customization etc. will have own ID (shared among all profile related pages) different than frontpage ID. That way you can assign module to profile or event related pages.

    I hope that explains complexities of JomSocial Toolbar. nevertheless I’ll pass your feedback to Project Manager so we could find the way to improve it.

    cyrusxxx Friend

    Cześć Michal!

    I had to try 🙂
    I guess I will have to create hidden menus as you have suggested.
    Now we will continue this conversation on JS forum.
    Thank you Michal!

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  cyrusxxx 6 years, 8 months ago.

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