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  • androbil Friend

    i have a simple problem;

    i’m using jathumbnail plugin in “auto” mode in my articles,
    in a specific article, i have 3 images,
    i want the first image apper as thumbnail as usual, (at the right corner)

    but i want to show the second and third images as standard plain images at the bottom of the article.
    how can i achive that

    thank you in regards;
    article url is:

    scotty Friend

    <em>@androbil 176629 wrote:</em><blockquote>i’m using jathumbnail plugin in “auto” mode in my articles</blockquote>
    <em>@androbil 176629 wrote:</em><blockquote>i want to show the second and third images as standard plain images at the bottom of the article.</blockquote>

    Can’t have it both ways. It’s either Auto or Manual.

    scotty Friend

    Actually you can have it both ways.

    Just before your img tag that you DON’t want thumbnailed add {jathumbnail off}.


    <p>{jathumbnail off}<img class=”caption” src=”images/stories/demo/artist/art-4.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”Sample image” title=”Sample image” align=”left” /></p>

    androbil Friend

    Nope , it doesn’t work that way

    {jathumbnail} effects all the images in the same article,

    what i need is the first one is thumbnailed (so that i can see thumnail image of that article in blog view layout)
    and the other images in that article not thumbnailed.

    thanks anyway

    actu9 Friend

    Yep, I need the same thing as androbil. is it possible?

    Phill Moderator

    You can add tags as follows to disable the plugin for individual images

    {jathumbnail off images="images/stories/demo/world/rs-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/world/rs-2.jpg"}

    actu9 Friend

    Thanks phill for this quick reply. It workfs like a charm now!

    knuganga Friend

    I canĀ“t get this working. When I try it moves the Jathumb placed in the upper right corner down to the right?

    Saguaros Moderator
Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 13 years, 1 month ago.

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