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  • djdubuque Friend

    How one someone add images to the jaslideshow from the frontend? Right now the only way I see adding images is through the backend using the explorer component.:confused:

    hanifahmed Friend

    I don’t think that’s possible.

    Where abouts have you put your slideshow? Care for a screnenshot / link?

    djdubuque Friend

    <em>@hanifahmed 91749 wrote:</em><blockquote>I don’t think that’s possible.

    Where abouts have you put your slideshow? Care for a screnenshot / link?</blockquote>

    Here is the screen shot, bit small but you should get the idea.

    10m/6m Club

    1. screenshot
    hanifahmed Friend

    The only thing I can think of is some sort of extension that allows you to upload files to the site. Are only registered users supposed to upload these images?

    djdubuque Friend

    Yes only registered members will be allowed to upload images.

    bennitos Friend

    This should be possible, you’d have to change the path the slideshow is looking for images.

    It should be a subfolder in your media folder (in your media folder you can upload images on the frontend as a standard feature)

    djdubuque Friend

    JAslideshow shows the images, but there is not fuction to add images from registered users. This was the origanal question, please read post #1.

    bennitos Friend

    I just gave you the answer, and yes i did read the original question. If you rather dont have my help feel free to say so.

    Ok ill refrase what im saying above, Standard you cant upload images for the slideshow on the frontend. BUT it is possible to upload images from the front end to your joomla media folder.

    If you change the path where the images for the slideshow stand, and change it to a location into the media folder then you will be able to change pictures for the slideshow on the frontend.

    djdubuque Friend

    Don’t get me wrong I will accept any and all help as long as it provides the necessary help instructions rather then short encrypted messages requiring the person to have to de-crypt the data.

    The answer you just provided made more since then the one previously.

    Thank you

    hanson758 Friend

    what i use is adding images through the backend using the explorer component, or you can try use FTP softwave….that it will be more quick and easy for upload you pic…..unfortuley…i can’t use FTP by my website.. unlucky

    bradsmokess Friend

    i do not think i was ready for you to put words in quotation marks. i’ll think about what you really want when you put your search in quotes and try to return something that makes sense.

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