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  • imurillo Friend

    I want this topic on private mode but I do not found the private opotion.

    Hello.. I have two web site, both are working ok on a wamp server my database mysql 5.7.19 apache 2.4.27 php 5.6.31

    The first web site is JatelineV template joomla 3.7.5

    The second website is Jaintranet joomla 3.8.3

    When I put the web site in my redhat7 server php 5.6.33 Apache 2.4.6 on my redhat7 Database is mariadb 10.2

    My Virtualhost TelineV is working ok,.,,you can see the pictures

    But has been impossible for me put working my intranet web site ,, the message is Error and a blanck page .

    I notice theres is a new updating for joomla 3.8.3 to joomla 3.8.4

    Is ready Jaintranet template for this update… Please tellme where can I get the template update.

    How to update Jaintranet 1.0.5 is imposible for me to update from JaextensionManager… the url to JA Repository is wrong…

    I update to joomla3.8.4 and everything is working .in wampserver on windows. But on my redha7 I aleady have : error and a Blanck page…

    What can I do to access joomla adminstrator and frontend in jaintranet web page?

    I thinking about to rollback jaintranet joomla3.8.3 ..but is does not work ….

    What do you suggest to do …I need Jaintranet working earlier as possible.?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by  imurillo.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by  imurillo.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by  imurillo.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by  imurillo.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by  imurillo.
    Saguaros Moderator


    I have a question that how did you put your site to that virtual host? You can try to install Joomla first and then install JA Intranet template + T3 plugin first and see how it goes. If all is good, then there is something wrong with your current package.


    imurillo Friend

    For me is easy to work joomla webpage on windows and a wampserver I olways install jaquickstart package….after I finished the site. I move the page to the redhat7 server First.. I copy the page folder in /var/www/ I create database , the user and I import the webpage database to mysql , I assign user permission to the database. I assign permisison to joomla folder and apache user. And I crate the virtual host into conf.d folder I never had problems doing on this way. The problem is not the virtualhost ,.. the problem I think is joomla version 3.8.3 TelineV is an older version is 3.7.5 and it is working correctly in the redhat server.

    My wampser is mysql 5.7.19, php 5.6.31, Apache 2.4.27

    My redhat is mariadb 10.2 , php 5.6.33, Apache 2.4.6

    Joomla older than 3.8.x are working fine in my redhat

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by  imurillo.
    imurillo Friend

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by  imurillo.
    imurillo Friend

    I tell you my fatal error was the following
    in public $host = ‘localhost’; i have the virtualhost ip .10.12……
    public $access = ‘1’;
    public $debug = ‘0’;
    public $debug_lang = ‘0’;
    public $dbtype = ‘mysqli’;
    public $host = ‘localhost’;

    I installed jaintranet quickstart in redhat and I realize
    that public $host = ‘localhost’

    My question is why JatelineV works fine with the virtualhost ip in public $host = ‘10.123….t’;

    Saguaros Moderator


    It seems relates to the your host configuration specific. Could you post the same question to Joomla forum?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 6 years, 5 months ago.

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