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  • kallan Friend


    I have the plugin published (and the module not published)

    I want to display articles from a particular category on the front page using JA_Tabs

    from reading the documentation I assumed I posted the code such as:

    {jatabs type=”articles” catid=”13″ numberTabs=4 view=”introtext” position=”left” width=”600″ height=”230″ mousetype=”click” animType=”animFade” skipAnim=”false” duration=1000 }{/jatabs}

    into a content item.

    This does sort of work except it actually displays
    {jatabs type=”articles” catid=”13″ numberTabs=4 view=”introtext” position=”left” width=”600″ height=”230″ mousetype=”click” animType=”animFade” skipAnim=”false” duration=1000 }{/jatabs}
    in the tab.

    Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong?


    kallan Friend

    ok solved part of it – I made an entirely new category for the tabs content and left the tabs code in an article not actually displayed – now it shows the articles without the {jtabs} code YAY

    however when I view in Mozilla (i have the tabs set to disply left) there are bullets laying under the next and I thought there were supposed to be arrow images?

    Is it possible that its not seeing the css correctly?


    kallan Friend

    ok found the css problem in ja_tabs.php it has the line

    $headtag[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.JURI::base().'plugins/content/ja_tabs/themes/'.$params['style'].'/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>';

    The problem is that $params[‘style’] does not seem to be being set as iolite –
    I was presuming you set this inside the module – which I checked and it was set to iolite.

    you actually set it in the content of the article that you put the {jatabs} info into by

    {jatabs type="articles" catid="19" style="iolite" numberTabs=4 view="introtext" position="left" width="600" height="230" mousetype="click" animType="animFade" skipAnim="false" duration=1000 }{/jatabs}

    So yay now all going well.
    Hope this helps someone else


    lasor123 Friend


    My JA Tabs will not load, appears on page User7 – what can I do …. I think it is a super module ….

    Best, Fortza

    lasor123 Friend

    Hi again.

    How do i install the tabs plugin…?

    Best, Fortza

    lasor123 Friend


    Is there no one who can help?

    Best, Fortza

    lasor123 Friend

    What kind of a forum is this…….no one want to answer…….

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