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  • joaomeireles Friend

    i have ja_news_fp module but i want only one section appear in frontend.
    how you do this ?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hello joaomeireles!

    The JA News Front Page is a module using for organize and display articles from the Front Page Component,

    Now You try to login administrator sys, then go to content menu and go to Front Page Manager, You can see all articles which were actived “Front Page” status, those articles are from categories and sections.

    If you want to display articles from one section, you only set active for “Front Page” status for all articles of this section and other articles you set inactive.

    mnlogan Friend

    Question: I would only like to have the mod_janews_fp display articles from a specific section basically the same 9 articles from 1 section.

    However, I tried using the “Front Page Manager” to unpublish the selected article sections and this then removes the articles from the mod_janews2 module.

    It looks like both of these modules use the Front Page Manager to feature these articles so I could continually update the Front Page Manager order to show the 9 articles always 1-9 but is there a better way to show the news_fp from only a particular sections.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Please open the file : modulesmod_janews_fpmod_janews_fp.xml and find codes:

    <param name=”hiddenClasses” type=”textarea” default=”” rows=”10″ cols=”30″ label=”HIDDEN CLASSES” description=”HIDDEN CLASSES DESC” />

    you replace:

    <param name=”hiddenClasses” type=”textarea” default=”” rows=”10″ cols=”30″ label=”HIDDEN CLASSES” description=”HIDDEN CLASSES DESC” />
    <param name=”section” type=”section” default=”0″ label=”SELECT SECTION” description=”SELECT SECTION DESC” />

    2) Open the file: modulesmod_janews_fpmod_janews_fp.php and find codes:
    [PHP] $rows = modJANewsHelperFP::getHLNews ( $numberofheadlinenews );[/PHP]

    if( $sid = (int) $params->get(‘section’,”) ) {
    $rows = modJANewsHelperFP::getList (0, $sid, $numberofheadlinenews, ‘created’ );
    } else {
    $rows = modJANewsHelperFP::getHLNews ( $numberofheadlinenews );

    after done, the module ‘ll work as follow:
    1) if you do not choose a section, the module ‘ll display artciles from the list of front-page
    2) if you choose one, the module ”ll only display the articles of this sections

    good luck

    mnlogan Friend

    That worked out great. Thank you.

    bonnmac Friend

    I am using teline III v2, and would like to accomplish the same thing. I want the content-top to only show the latest articles from a certain section. I tried the above and it didn’t work for me. Any other suggestions?


    sviet Friend

    <blockquote>ja_news_fp section/categorie
    i have ja_news_fp module but i want only one section appear in frontend.
    how you do this ?</blockquote>

    I have the same problem with JA Tellina IV but can’t find recomended codes. Please help! :((

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