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  • elkamello121 Friend

    I tried to create an article or even use some of the samples from joomla and they are nor showing front page..

    tried changing templates and they do work

    please any advise is appreciated..


    jamjodesign Friend

    Id just like to join this thread also – as I am looking for a solution to this aswell.

    cdboutique Friend

    I am new to Joomla but this may help:

    Go into Menu Manager
    Click on your ‘main menu’ >
    Click on the ‘Home’ menu item >
    Under the ‘parameters (Basic)’ settings, select the aticle you wish to display on the front page.

    However make sure this article is set to display on the Frontpage.
    You may have to go into that Article and toggle the yes/no button for the article to display on the frontpage.

    I hope that helps


    sorcha Friend

    This is happening with me as well. Our site uses a relatively static welcome home page, then the frontpage setting is used to give a news-type feed (without having to use a news category or show every article created in a latest feed). I’ve modified ja lead but the vanilla one does this as well. No frontpage articles. Very weird.

    Anyone find a solution to this? we really like this template.

    It’s not simply a question of setting the articles to ‘frontpage’ again.

    sorcha Friend

    Aha. Sorry people, had another look at this. To display these articles, you need janews and janewsfrontpage installed.

    elkamello121 Friend

    i thought they were installed

    SP Media Friend

    Ja News pulls in content from specific categories set within the module settings – you need to update them to your new category ID’s.

    sorcha Friend

    The thing that confused me about this is that ja-lead doesn’t seem to have a “body” module, which is where articles tagged ‘frontpage’ land in other templates (look at purity, for example). ja-news can take different category ids, but mod_janews_fp (Ja News Frontpage) is the one that shows articles tagged ‘frontpage’.(at least as far as I can see). It lives in Teline II.

    dakruhm Friend

    <blockquote>The thing that confused me about this is that ja-lead doesn’t seem to have a “body” module, which is where articles tagged ‘frontpage’ land in other templates (look at purity, for example).</blockquote>

    It does have a body div. I don’t know why it doesn’t show out of the box but here’s a workaround:

    -go to your MAIN MENU
    -create a link named HOME
    -create it either as an single ARTICLE LAYOUT or BLOG LAYOUT
    (you should now have 2 HOME buttons)
    -select it as the DEFAULT
    -unpublish the original HOME button


    ecohosting Friend

    I think what most people are missing here is the native frontpage manager component built-in to Joomla is being overriden (??) by the JANews module. As great as this module is I prefer using the frontpage manager.

    The problem I have with the news module is I cannot select articles randomly as I can in the frontpage manager. You can only select category ID numbers and from those categories decide how many articles to publish. It has some nice features but I need to pull articles quickly and easily from all over the place.

    So the key questions is, How do we revert to using Joomla’s frontpage manager??

    BTW, I tried removing the 2 news modules associated with JA news (ja news and ja frontpage) but it still does not allow the frontpage manager to work.

    ecohosting Friend
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