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  • leka Friend

    I’ve decided to close some of my categories and to close their corespondent menus in case of future reactivation. Everything is going fine except that module JA News 2, in “user setting” is showing active categories and closed categories alike.

    Is there any solution for this? The only solution I see is to delete the closed categories to stop them appear in user settings of Ja news 2 module.

    I am currently working on localhost, so I attached a picture: web-backup1-unpublished is closed, but keeps appearing in user settings.

    It is not o major problem, but any advice would be appreciated.

    1. example
    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear leka!

    i have not clear understandable on the issue, would you like to disable the categories displaying the usersetting ?
    if yes, please acess the plugin manager to disable the ja usersetting plugin

    Good luck

    leka Friend

    First of all, thank you for answering me,

    I have attached a picture to this post that speaks for itself:

    The ja_usersetting is working ok and I want it on my site. The problem is that I have closed some article categories from joomla backend admin (content/category manager). They keep apearing in usersetting even if they don’t show in ja_news 2 (because they are closed category):

    see the picture – I have 6 category in section “web development”; one of them is closed and named suggestively “closed category”. Why is “closed category” apearing in usersetting if it is closed from “content/category manager”. Is that normal? If yes, I have to work only with active categories in content/category manager to use ja_news2 module and ja_usersetting plugin simultaneously.

    Thank you for keeping me informed. It is probably a dummy simple problem nobody thought of it.

    1. example
    Saguaros Moderator


    This is a bug from the module and here is the solution to resolve this issue

    Please open the file: modulesmod_janews2helper.php and try to find code at line 306:
    [PHP]$query = “SELECT id,title FROM #__categories WHERE section = $sectionid “[/PHP] and replace by:
    [PHP] $query = “SELECT id,title FROM #__categories WHERE section = $sectionid and published = 1”;[/PHP]

    Good luck

    leka Friend

    Great job!

    Everything is fine now, after replacing in php code.

    Problem solved!

    madeline63 Friend


    i want to remove the “reset user setting”, but after i disable the plugin,
    it still there.
    then i uninstall the plugin, and again, it still there.
    any idea to remove it permanently?


    steinar Friend

    <em>@madeline63 195293 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    i want to remove the “reset user setting”

    I looked for the phrase in en-GB.tpl_ja_teline_iii (located in root/language/en_GB) but couldn’t find it. So I just added RESET USER SETTING=my own phrase. It works well for me. If you want to remove it altogether, you should just delete the part to the right of the = sign.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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