Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 29 total)
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  • zombiesonice Friend

    I tried to install the jasocial agora theme for ja social but i get the following error
    Error! Could not find an XML setup file in the package.

    Then i noticed the new guide you have up and followed instructions as below

    Step 3: Download Agora Theme for JA Social >>…o=file&id=1801
    Step 4: Extract zip file and upload folder Components to your your Joomla_site_path. It is right, if you see file ja-social in [Joomla_site_path]/components/com_agora/templates.

    I loaded them components folder to public_html/components/com_agora/template/ but the theme is not showing up in the agora options.

    Can you advise on what I need to do.

    zombiesonice Friend

    update: The placement you refer to in the guide is wrong.
    It shouldnt say upload components to /components/com_agora/templates.
    It should have been I think, place the jasocial style in the styles folder for agora.
    Anyway i did this and yes the style is applied.
    However, there are a few major missing areas and issues.
    1. Forum legend icons missing
    2. The complete BB code panel when writing a post is missing.
    3. Attachments link is not working. Clicking this does nothing.
    4. Preview button not working.
    5. In forum view, if you hover over any of the latest posts, a brief description of the post is brought up over the posts title, but it can only be partially seen.
    6. Some userbar buttons at the bottom of the post arent working. These are “quote selected” “add username” . (Also query on the split button – when clicked it takes the user to the top of the forum post. Unusual title if that’s what its meant to do? Is it?)

    This is a reasonably quick inspection and its returned a lot of problems.
    Can you get back to me on this as I have paid for agora and also addressed this issue with them. Agora say that ja social is conflicting with agora. That appears to be true as if you use milkyway template – there are no issues at all.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Hi zombiesonice!

    Thanks for contacting us. I’ll check it for you. Please allow me a little time.

    zombiesonice Friend

    thanks for looking into this:)

    topinwuhan Friend

    <em>@zombiesonice 243613 wrote:</em><blockquote>update: The placement you refer to in the guide is wrong.
    It shouldnt say upload components to /components/com_agora/templates.
    It should have been I think, place the jasocial style in the styles folder for agora.
    Anyway i did this and yes the style is applied.
    However, there are a few major missing areas and issues.
    1. Forum legend icons missing
    2. The complete BB code panel when writing a post is missing.
    3. Attachments link is not working. Clicking this does nothing.
    4. Preview button not working.
    5. In forum view, if you hover over any of the latest posts, a brief description of the post is brought up over the posts title, but it can only be partially seen.
    6. Some userbar buttons at the bottom of the post arent working. These are “quote selected” “add username” . (Also query on the split button – when clicked it takes the user to the top of the forum post. Unusual title if that’s what its meant to do? Is it?)

    This is a reasonably quick inspection and its returned a lot of problems.
    Can you get back to me on this as I have paid for agora and also addressed this issue with them. Agora say that ja social is conflicting with agora. That appears to be true as if you use milkyway template – there are no issues at all.

    The same problem here,i posted a ticket to the crew,hope it will get answered

    thangnn1510 Friend

    <em>@zombiesonice 243613 wrote:</em><blockquote>update: The placement you refer to in the guide is wrong.
    It shouldnt say upload components to /components/com_agora/templates.
    It should have been I think, place the jasocial style in the styles folder for agora.
    Anyway i did this and yes the style is applied.
    However, there are a few major missing areas and issues.
    1. Forum legend icons missing
    2. The complete BB code panel when writing a post is missing.
    3. Attachments link is not working. Clicking this does nothing.
    4. Preview button not working.
    5. In forum view, if you hover over any of the latest posts, a brief description of the post is brought up over the posts title, but it can only be partially seen.
    6. Some userbar buttons at the bottom of the post arent working. These are “quote selected” “add username” . (Also query on the split button – when clicked it takes the user to the top of the forum post. Unusual title if that’s what its meant to do? Is it?)

    This is a reasonably quick inspection and its returned a lot of problems.
    Can you get back to me on this as I have paid for agora and also addressed this issue with them. Agora say that ja social is conflicting with agora. That appears to be true as if you use milkyway template – there are no issues at all.

    I have checked the demo but couldn’t see the bugs. Could you please submit your login information FTP/Admin account to your support ticket KGQ-456-38431 I’ll check for you.


    zombiesonice Friend

    <em>@thangnn1510 244580 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have checked the demo but couldn’t see the bugs. Could you please submit your login information FTP/Admin account to your support ticket KGQ-456-38431 I’ll check for you.



    I logged all the details re: ftp admin etc already mate on ticket ZZB-422-39884
    but i have also added them to ticket KGQ-456-38431 for you.
    Not sure why you want two tickets for it.
    The forum is on
    (Login using the admin details I sent. thanks)

    Bugs mentioned are all there unfortunately
    1. Forum legend icons missing
    2. The complete BB code panel when writing a post is missing.
    3. Attachments link is not working. Clicking this does nothing.
    4. Preview button not working.
    5. In forum view, if you hover over any of the latest posts, a brief description of the post is brought up over the posts title, but it can only be partially seen.
    6. Some userbar buttons at the bottom of the post arent working. These are “quote selected” “add username” . (Also query on the split button – when clicked it takes the user to the top of the forum post. Unusual title if that’s what its meant to do? Is it?)


    zombiesonice Friend

    Have you any update on this pls?

    thangnn1510 Friend

    I have fixed the bug 1st for you by changing the code in footer.tpl in components/com_agora/template


    * This file is part of the Agora distribution.
    * Detailed copyright and licensing information can be found
    * in the gpl-3.0.txt file which should be included in the distribution.
    * @version $Id: 3.0.14 Olympus 2010-09-28 rammstein4o $
    * @copyright 2007 - 2010 jVitals
    * @license GPLv3 Open Source
    * @link
    * @since File available since initial release
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    <div class="ag_iconset">
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    <dd><img id="legend-icon_newhot" src="{$root_url}style/ja_social/img/small/icon_newhot.png" alt="" title="##New/Active##" /> ##New/Active##</dd>
    <div class="ag_clearer"></div>
    <div class="ag_iconset">
    <dd><img id="legend-icon_newlocked" src="{$root_url}style/ja_social/img/small/icon_newlocked.png" alt="" title="##New/Locked##" /> ##New/Locked##</dd>
    <dd><img id="legend-icon_newsticky" src="{$root_url}style/ja_social/img/small/icon_newsticky.png" alt="" title="##New/Sticky##" /> ##New/Sticky##</dd>
    <dd><img id="legend-icon_lockedhot" src="{$root_url}style/ja_social/img/small/icon_lockedhot.png" alt="" title="##Locked/Active##" /> ##Locked/Active##</dd>
    <div class="ag_clearer"></div>
    <div class="ag_iconset">
    <dd><img id="legend-icon_stickyhot" src="{$root_url}style/ja_social/img/small/icon_stickyhot.png" alt="" title="##Active/Sticky##" /> ##Active/Sticky##</dd>
    <dd><img id="legend-icon_stickylocked" src="{$root_url}style/ja_social/img/small/icon_stickylocked.png" alt="" title="##Sticky/Locked##" /> ##Sticky/Locked##</dd>
    <dd><img id="legend-icon_stickylockedhot" src="{$root_url}style/ja_social/img/small/icon_stickylockedhot.png" alt="" title="##Sticky/Locked/Active##" /> ##Sticky/Locked/Active##</dd>
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    Please check

    Please give us more time to fix another bug.

    zombiesonice Friend

    Thanks Thangnn!
    I see the first bug on the bug list is fixed re: legend icons showing. ty!:)

    Phill Moderator

    Part of it is because Agora has been updated since the demo was created. Agora have no only become a paid component but have also made a lot of code changes. Hopefully they can be updated soon.

    Phill Moderator

    Part of it is because Agora has been updated since the demo was created. Agora have no only become a paid component but have also made a lot of code changes. Hopefully they can be updated soon.

    himangi Friend


    JA Social template V 1.2.2 for Joomla 1.5 updated for JomSocial 2.2.2 & Agora forum 3.0.147
    Please check details at

    topinwuhan Friend

    I updated the template,my problems still not solved. The same as before

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@topinwuhan 245468 wrote:</em><blockquote>I updated the template,my problems still not solved. The same as before</blockquote>

    Not a very helpfull report that. Pleas could you start your own support thread detailing exactly what problems you are having

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 29 total)

This topic contains 29 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Phill 12 years, 11 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum