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  • dieudonne Friend


    impossible to save a module JA Slideshow.
    We use Joomla 3.2, and last version of JA Slideshow and JA Magz.

    When we create a new slideshow, impossible to save it, juts the close button is working…!
    (others modules are working fine)

    It is the same if we want to modifiy the slideshow created when we installed the module.

    What can we do to fix this ?


    ps : and there is a bug in the presentation, see our screenshot!

    1. 2013-11-21_10h29_55
    dieudonne Friend

    Just see a temporarily solution here :

    Thank to Ninja Lead.

    tfosnom Friend

    <em>@dieudonne 398847 wrote:</em><blockquote>Just see a temporarily solution here :

    Thank to Ninja Lead.

    This post is not meant to defame, but inform

    Temporary Fixes? by now JA should have released a fixed version, like if we the paying user can alter our ja slideshow files to fix why can’t JA add the same changes to the ja extension dl for an update via extension manager?

    While I have Moon Sailor to thank for fixing my slideshow probs in JA Obelisk, which was a J3.2 template from scratch so the JA Slideshow extension SHOULD have worked or has quality control failed miserably?

    How JA can release extensions or templates without fully testing such a well used and important design element of both JA Magz or Obelisk is amazing and shows the level of testing is just not there. Maybe it’s the rush to meet deadlines approach or too little staff to meet all areas I don’t know.

    Arvind is Operations manager and ultimately if I understand the position in charge and responsible but he’s noticabely absent when things go wrong, just like Hung; only appearing on blog posts and reviews to talk up JA and their products.

    Time for Arvind to correct me on his role & position if I’m wrong or if I’m not mistaken re his responsibilities fall on his sword, accept responsibility for poor qa and operations and leave the post for someone who can get it done properly everytime.

    I and other members PAY for a product (both template/extension wise) thats not bug ridden, don’t see youtheme, shape 5 or many other template clubs have these problems, yet they too have to spend time and allocate staff to deal with upgrading everything to work with the recent 3.2 release, just seems they can organise it better?

    Blessings Shannon

    Rant Over 🙂

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    <em>@tfosnom 398858 wrote:</em><blockquote>This post is not meant to defame, but inform

    Arvind is Operations manager and ultimately if I understand the position in charge and responsible but he’s noticabely absent when things go wrong, just like Hung; only appearing on blog posts and reviews to talk up JA and their products.

    Time for Arvind to correct me on his role & position if I’m wrong or if I’m not mistaken re his responsibilities fall on his sword, accept responsibility for poor qa and operations and leave the post for someone who can get it done properly everytime.

    Blessings Shannon

    Rant Over :)</blockquote>

    Take it easy Shannon,

    I can go on trying to explain the delay, actually its not a delay, we started working on testing and upgrade after Joomla 3.2 was released and anyone upgrading their sites, without taking backups or making sure of compatible extension availability is not a responsible webmaster.

    The upgrades are work in progress and the full company is working this saturday trying to finish the multiple tasks going on at this moment.

    Regarding your personal remarks about me, its the opposite, you will always find me active, when things are going wrong and about Hung, he is the one putting everyone to overtime to deliver.

    You asking me to leave my job? Come on shannon, i know you like to spice it up and try to get the most out of these kinda situation but seriously, I have personally asked you many times not to join JA if you are so pissed off about everything. Admit that you love JA products and also love to harass me and Hung whenever possible.

    Have bit more patience, updates would be available at an earliest and for god sake stop hijacking threads. This is JA Magz forum and it is expected to have technical support issues only. You know we have many other forums, where you can go on with your rants.

    Would you be believing me for above? Here is the screenshot of work priority set by Hung and why the team would be working this saturday.

    Yes, I have not replied to the JA preview thread but the feedback has been considered by Hung and there are efforts to improve the same concept as you can see the item in the above screenshot.

    I will move this discussion to new thread, Its fun to have you around Shannon 🙂

    1. 8333123711
    Phill Moderator


    For my two pence worth, J3.2 really is not for production sites yet. It is a STS release from Joomla and from the developers point of view should be treated as such. JA really are doing a great job keeping up with the STS releases as fast as they can but given all this and the pressure to update so many templates and extensions in a very short time you have to expect minor bugs to creep in. In the case of JA Slideshow a fix is available and an update will be released.

    The sign of a good company is one that reacts to support its users and JA certainly do. And please do not suggest that other template clubs do not have these sorts of bugs, they all do. In some cases they hide visibility of them. Instead JA try to be open and honest leaving all details visible in the forums, admitting their weaknesses along with their strengths. This for me is another sign of a good company.


    dieudonne Friend

    But I said there is a solution

    <blockquote>Just see a temporarily solution here :…3.2-compatible

    Thank to Ninja Lead.
    Regard. </blockquote>

    Snif 😉

    Seriously, I agree with Drarvindc and Phil.

    @tfosnom, please don’t pollute my thread.

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    <em>@tfosnom 398858 wrote:</em><blockquote>don’t see youtheme, shape 5 or many other template clubs have these problems, </blockquote>

    Seriously, Shannon?

    Shape 5

    If I were Arvind, I would be terribly offended at the misdirection of your rant. And I’m offended you think a medical condition affords you an auto forgiveness pass.

    If you choose to run in the Beta 3.x world then you should step up and admit the risks.
    All of us are working hard EVERY day…often ALL NIGHT to ensure a quality product.


    Phill Moderator

    @dieudonne – Are you still having problems? If there is anything we can help you with please raise a ticket as I think this thread is a little off topic now.

    dieudonne Friend

    No, It is just a joke.

    But JA Slideshow has serious problem with Joomla 3.2.
    Fortunately there is a temporarily solution, see before (Ninja Lead).
    So it is ok now 🙂

    And it is not possible anymore to post a thread to “solved” like before ?

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  dieudonne 10 years, 6 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum