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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    Dear Members,

    Looking towards the anxiety expressed in the JA Rasite preview thread. I am hereby releasing the JA Rasite Demo (beta) and Template files (Beta) in Download.

    The template is still in beta and should not be used on live site. It is released only for preview and evaluation purpose.

    Known Problems :

    • IE Compatibility issues.
    • RTL language issues.


    • This template is bit more complicated than others so far.
    • 8 more colors were added in between the development.
    • Enhanced Mega Menu configuration and template platform upgrades were included in the template last week.
    • January is yet to end :p


    Stable Version?

    Target is to roll out stable version in the next few days when we fix all the reported bug.

    Hung Dinh

    we2solutions Friend

    Thanks for the valuable efforts for the template.looks very beautiful.clean temlate when see in light_ocan mode.congrats for JA Team.

    saturnium Friend

    Greats, nice template.

    Look for full bakground, image footer repeat;
    —— image Home page: straddles the title

    regards 😉 nice job

    javacup Friend


    I am a supporter of the style jatelineIII but this one is really clean, congratulation and big thanks for this template.


    noibihappy2009 Friend

    Why dont you have timeline for template release of each month ???? !!! YT / RT at exactly first day of month. S5 at 15. !!!

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    Best designed template ever released by Joomlart.

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    Before people start complaining about a stable release, understand this….

    You as a member are able to provide much needed feedback to help the development team work out any bugs. The sooner that happens, the sooner you’ll get a stable release.

    So help the team out.

    dawidt Friend

    Finally great template. This one is more beautiful than any template of past year. This is what I was talking about all the time. Really good design, fully customization, many backgrounds and colors. Keep this level in next templates in 2010.

    we2solutions Friend


    This jaslideshow2 is improved lot in this template.4 things i can say about this template after installation

    1.when i installing sample data it gave this error
    Error : the XML response that was returned from the server is invalid
    but can access to admin panel and work.and there is another error displayed
    Error loading feed data

    2. in the jaslideshow’s Navigation setting panel i want to put only thumbnails without i set Show description option disable.but 2,3 thumbs description remains.they didn’t removed.

    3.when i decrease the Main Item width because i want thumbs didn’t reduce according to the Item width.i set the slide thumbs vertical left (like to get sideshow like in module positions their is user1-5 module positions but they didn’t use for teline3 i also saw it a mistake or …

    5. in site name g:prevviousl it looks welcome to the front page now it says featured articles.i can change it using menu manager.but please look for that also.

    may be some of the issues is simple but anyhow this is one of the best template in JA Collection time for wish all the best for JA Team and Mr.Hung,hatuhn,hieu,arvind,ja developer & rest in year 2010.


    piengie2 Friend

    Not worth mentioning, but /images/stories/demo/sam-21.jpg is missing….at least in the JA-Demo.
    ( Great Job JA!

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 161336 wrote:</em><blockquote>Best designed template ever released by Joomlart.</blockquote>

    That I fully agree with. It looks very good and is simple to customize to your needs. If you look at the light versions they look great but look carefully at the dark versions too and you will notice some nice transparency touches. For me this is perfect timing as I have a site that need a cleaner look and this template really fist the bill.

    Well done to JA and their design team.

    olifier Friend

    very nice template!

    The link towards the bugreport doesn’t work, so i use this forum to report two problems I have encountered so far:

    I did a clean install (whitout example data) and I couldn’t find the JA module positions when creating a new module.

    I also couldn’t find the JA Extended parameters when I tried to make a menu item with three columns.

    I just did a full install, WITH example data, and the I didn’t had these problems…. but I do not want the example data…


    ganzuelo Friend

    Thank you Joomlart. you made me a believer again!

    eruzak Friend

    see attachment .there is no results button there.

    1. 1
    wilero Friend

    It looks really nice! I will definitely choose this one for the next project, good work!! 😀

    I get this message when running the template on Apache 2.2.11 and PHP 5.3 (maybe 5.3 is not supported yet?)
    Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated…..\ja_rasitelibsmobile_device_detect.php on line 52

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 36 total)

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