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  • railer Friend

    Hi Joomlart!

    Is there any plan to upgrade JA Paritti to Joomla 2.5?


    TomC Moderator

    At this time JA still does not know whether there will be a big push to go and re-visit older templates and add new features to them. JA still have a number of components to update and test and those are the priority at the moment. JA Voice, and JA Comment are 2 examples of big components that are actively being worked on.

    However, it is my understanding that our JA Devs have given the “thumbs up” to agreeing to update a number of our older J1.5 Templates – though there is neither a list nor timeframe we can provide at this particular time as to when this will occur. In the meantime, there ARE methods to update the Joomla version manually – from J1.5 to J1.7/J2.5 – instructions for which are available within our Member Community Forum Sections.

    railer Friend

    Thanks Tom

    I’ll look for the manual update info. If you have a link and could post here, it would be helpful. Thanks!


    railer Friend

    Looks like the way to go is to either do the simple method of upgrading a 1.5 template to work with 2.5…
    or to turn it into a T3 framework template.

    qavit Friend

    yes, but I will continue to wait for paritti template.

    No other has this template layout or something.

    While not come will be very difficult to change the joomla 2.5

    Take care with the older members, please.

    railer Friend

    Hi Qavit,

    Thanks for bringing this thread back to life. Looks like TomC was banned for some reason. I hope another JoomlArt moderator will pick up this thread and let us know if JA Paritti will be upgraded.


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hey Railer,

    We did plan to upgrade templates from 1.5 to 2.5 in the coming time. However, we could not reach the deadline as resource limits and many joomla versions / updates for us to be in sync recently. We will announce on the blog once there is any updates.


    qavit Friend

    Hello Railer, Hello JA Developer

    There are many templates in joomla 2.5 which are nearly equal and Paritti not have a similar in joomla 2.5

    I’m trying to redo my website with the template JA Community Plus but is very ugly to it.

    The Ja Paritti is simple and classic, sober and very pretty. The Ja Paritti should receive more potential: it would be the best of all.

    I need work with TABS, Support forum, etc. …

    but it be enough for me … that is migrated to joomla 2.5

    Thank you for your attention,

    sorry my english

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi Qavit,

    For now there is no confirmed plan for upgrading the said template to 2.5 or above versions and i would suggest not to hold your breath waiting for its release as we are focusing our resouces on the upcoming Joomla 3.0 release, which is going to bring in lot of development and upgrade work for our current products.

    At this stage its not possible to give a confirmed date or upgrade path for the older templates. Best would be to find alternative templates or hire developer to migrate the same for you.



    qavit Friend

    Yeah, but could create a pool to see which are the templates with more fans in need of upgrade.

    Thus, the work was directed by needs and never done blindly.

    qavit Friend

    Pariti, The best template, are discontinued.

    I hate that.

    When i want download any template the joomlart logout me and i need logout. Only i click and click, here and far, near and close, i can download. i lose many time waiting that. many times the system kick me.

    i hate that.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Would you mind sending us a video recording the issue with the download? we would check what’s wrong here because other can download it easy.

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