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  • timmiller Friend

    Hey Guys,

    I would like to use ja content slider for testimonials like this:

    “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin consequat augue non lorem.”

    Title here justified right

    Which file do I find the layout in?



    thangnn1510 Friend

    You should change in templatesyour_templatehtmlmod_jacontentsliderdefault.php if it exist. if not please copy modulesmod_jacontentslidertmpldefault.php to templatesyour_templatehtmlmod_jacontentslider and then change it.

    khoand Friend

    Move this code from <joomla url>modulesmod_jacontentslidertmpldefault.php file

    <?php if( $params->get( 'showtitle' ) ) { ?>
    <div class="ja_slidetitle">
    <?php echo ($params->get( 'link_titles' ) ) ? '<a href="'.$link.'" title="">'.$contn->title.'</a>' : $contn->title;?>
    <?php } ?>


    <?php if( $params->get('showreadmore') ){ ?>

    timmiller Friend


    I’m not sure I understand. I just want to show title under the intro text. I’m not finding anything in default php. I don’t understand the code references you gave…The top code exists in default.php…should I replace the bottom code with the top code?


    timmiller Friend


    If this won’t work- how about allowed html tags. I am just looking to rotate testimonials with a quote and a name…having the name justified right, italicized, with color and a different size…

    Any thoughts?

    khoand Friend

    You follow instruction of thangnn1510 to copy modulesmod_jacontentslidertmpldefault.php to templatesyour_templatehtmlmod_jacontentslider. After modify templatesyour_templatehtmlmod_jacontentsliderdefault.php. Cut this code (begin line 196)

    <?php if( $params->get( 'showtitle' ) ) { ?>
    <div class="ja_slidetitle">
    <?php echo ($params->get( 'link_titles' ) ) ? '<a href="'.$link.'" title="">'.$contn->title.'</a>' : $contn->title;?>
    <?php } ?>

    and patse it before

    <?php if( $params->get('showreadmore') ){ ?>

    timmiller Friend

    Thanks so much!

    Quick question: The html tags are stripped on this module. Is there a way to allow certain tags?

    Thanks in advance!!!

    khoand Friend

    I don’t understand what you mean clearly. Could you explain more detail and give me a example?

    marclime Friend

    <em>@timmiller 239428 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks so much!

    Quick question: The html tags are stripped on this module. Is there a way to allow certain tags?

    Thanks in advance!!!</blockquote>

    I think this is what he means (i’m having the same problem) Trying to format, with css, how the intro text is displayed.

    <span style=”font-size:400%”>This</span> is some intro Text from one of my <span style=”color:#f00;”>articles</span>

    comes out like this : This is some intro Text from one of my articles

    It got the tags stripped out. It’s now just some text, with the ja_slideintro class.

    I know that with SlideShow component, you can add a tag list that the slideshow will display. (include tags)

    Is there anyway of doing this with the content slider ?

    marclime Friend

    Hey Tim, had the same problem so I dug a little here’s what I found. Default and helper files are using the strip_tags php function, you can add tags you don’t want to strip this way : strip_tags($stringToStrip, ‘<tags><not><to><strip>’);

    mod_jacontentslider/tmpl/default.php around line 221:
    <div class=”ja_slideintro”> <?php echo ( $params->get(‘numchar’) ) ? strip_tags($contn->introtext1, ‘<p><a><span><div>’) : strip_tags($contn->introtext, ‘<p><a><span><div>’); ?> </div>

    and mod_jacontentslider/helper.php 519 and 524:
    $row->introtext1 = strip_tags($row->introtext, ‘<p><a><span><div>’);

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  marclime 12 years, 3 months ago.

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