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  • domia Friend

    i’m having a issue with this module, more precisely it doesn’t recognise image with .JPG extensions but work well with .jpg one.
    Any idea on how to solve this?
    thank you.

    pavit Moderator


    Are you sure that is only the extension ? or maybe the image name too ?

    did you made the test to rename the same image from JPG to jpg ?

    domia Friend

    hello yes the problem is the extension an image called:
    1.jpg will be displayed
    and an image called:
    1.JPG will not be displayed.
    any ideas?

    pavit Moderator


    Try to make the change if you are fetching content from articles in the article image name

    example : <img class=”img-border” src=”images/stories/demo/sam-7.JPG” border=”0″ alt=”Sample image” align=”right” />

    anyway the extension should not change nothing you can call your images jpg or JPG this is indifferent for Joomla

    I made some tests on my localhost and it worked in both cases with jpg and JPG extension

    domia Friend

    i’m retrieving image from folder, and using this code to call the slider into content:
    {jaloadposition japos=”template_image_slider” source=”folder” folder_images=”images/myfolder/”}
    The images are correctly diplayed into the editor, JCE see them correctly(also with .JPG) but when i go into front end, i obtain this error from the slider “JA Content Slide Error: There is not any content in this category”.

    pavit Moderator

    This error is not related to the images extension anyway

    and sorry if i ask but there is a specific need to use this format for the ja_content slider ?

    {jaloadposition japos=”template_image_slider” source=”folder” folder_images=”images/myfolder/”}

    domia Friend

    <em>@pavit 376525 wrote:</em><blockquote>This error is not related to the images extension anyway [/quote]
    are you sure? same image with same name but the one with .jpg is displayed the other with .JPG not .
    try to simulate it taking image from folder, i’m pretty sure that you will have the same problem.:)

    and sorry if i ask but there is a specific need to use this format for the ja_content slider ?

    {jaloadposition japos=”template_image_slider” source=”folder” folder_images=”images/myfolder/”}</blockquote>
    is the code that is used into the demo as well as into the quick start version; i’m using the same position into the template.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi domia,

    I don’t face the same error like you mentioned, either. But you can try to open file: /modules/mod_jacontentslider/helper.php

    around line 507:

    [PHP]$files = JFolder::files($path, “.(jpg|png|gif|jpeg|bmp)$”);[/PHP]

    change it to:

    [PHP]$files = JFolder::files($path, “.(jpg|JPG|png|gif|jpeg|bmp)$”);[/PHP]

    Clean all cache then.


    domia Friend

    You made it!
    Work perfectly, thank for the support guys!

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  domia 10 years, 11 months ago.

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