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  • erminp Friend

    Hi all
    Can you help me with this?
    1. I want hide {jacomment on} on my articles (see image comment2)
    2. How do I get read more and comments links like in quickstart ja social (see image comment1)
    beside together.
    Thank you

    1. comment1
    2. comment2
    erminp Friend

    I forgot write that I use joomla 2.5.6 and Ja social template

    MoonSailor Friend


    1. In template, we can not us jacomment plg. So, for the following lines of code

    {jacomment on}

    you can find in article and remove it.

    2. In quickstart, we are using plugin “Content – JA Disqus Debate Echo” for comment of article.

    Go to administrator -> Plug-in Manager, find “Content – JA Disqus Debate Echo” and enable it. If it does not exist, please go to : download and reinstall plugin “JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin for Joomla 2.5”.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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