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  • contentcounts Friend

    Having the hardest time finding the entry for the submenu alignment in the css files

    I changed the top: from 0px to 45px in firebug which solved the vertical alignment but I am unable to find the corresponding entry in any css file.

    Attachments below

    Could you help please?

    Thank you


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Can u illustrate the issue of menu inside screenshot . Currently i does not notice issue in menu .
    Kindly provide some more details so i can assist you better .

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Can u illustrate the issue of menu inside screenshot . Currently i does not notice issue in menu .
    Kindly provide some more details so i can assist you better .

    contentcounts Friend

    when the Canopy Core Modules menu item is clicked the sub menu Order Entry and Invoicing comes out to the right but is 45px low for the menu item words to be aligned directly to the right of the selected menu item

    Just need to know how to adjust the sub sub menu so that it is raised 45px

    Thank you

    contentcounts Friend

    when the Canopy Core Modules menu item is clicked the sub menu Order Entry and Invoicing comes out to the right but is 45px low for the menu item words to be aligned directly to the right of the selected menu item

    Just need to know how to adjust the sub sub menu so that it is raised 45px

    Thank you

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I checked your site with turn on Dev mode from template options and problem is no more :
    It due to the wrong custom changes perform by you . Kindly revert the changes .
    Or take a backup of all custom changes and site then Compile Less to Css from template options .
    It will override core the style on css files .

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I checked your site with turn on Dev mode from template options and problem is no more :
    It due to the wrong custom changes perform by you . Kindly revert the changes .
    Or take a backup of all custom changes and site then Compile Less to Css from template options .
    It will override core the style on css files .

    contentcounts Friend

    I appreciate your input but even with developer mode on the menu item is still low. How can I bring the words on the same line horizontally?

    contentcounts Friend

    I appreciate your input but even with developer mode on the menu item is still low. How can I bring the words on the same line horizontally?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    This is not a bug its designed in this way to give a small padding and margin between the items .
    If you want to make it in same like as in screenshot , you need to remove the padding for dropdown menu items . add this code in custom.css file

    .t3-megamenu .mega-inner {
    padding: 0px 0;

    .t3-megamenu .dropdown-menu .mega-nav {
    padding: 6px 0;

    It will look like this >
    you can adjust the value of the 0px and 6px as per needs . default value for both is 10px .

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    This is not a bug its designed in this way to give a small padding and margin between the items .
    If you want to make it in same like as in screenshot , you need to remove the padding for dropdown menu items . add this code in custom.css file

    .t3-megamenu .mega-inner {
    padding: 0px 0;

    .t3-megamenu .dropdown-menu .mega-nav {
    padding: 6px 0;

    It will look like this >
    you can adjust the value of the 0px and 6px as per needs . default value for both is 10px .

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