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  • zealand Friend

    I PMed access details and other background information to JA Developer on 26 Sep 09.

    The site consists of JA Labra, JA Tabs and some content. This post concerns rending of JA Tabs in IE7 on page Here JA Tabs is in User5.

    The JA tabs parameters in the back-end are Articles-CategoryID 37 plus Advanced parameters in the .jpg thus… 5914.

    IE8, FF and Safari render correctly so the category blog is directly under the JA Tabs content. As the different tabs are selected the height of User5 changes and the category blog and page below it move up and down correctly. I assume that is what Height=auto should do.

    In IE7 all is well when the page is first loaded. When the second tab is clicked there is more text than in the first tab and this does not push down the rest of the page. Instead the extra text over-writes the category blog below. See next .jpg… 5915

    I have tried changing the values of the parameters Animation type, Event type, Use ajax and View and that does not help. I have tried changing Height to a fixed value: that solves the problem but it not what I want. Other values of Tabs title position have other problems as described in another thread.

    I have searched all the forums I have access to and in the WWW for solutions. The only candidates I have found are those that suggest the change to .clearfix {display: inline-block;} in the main template php and the removal of window.addEvent(‘resize’, this.resize.bind(this)); in plugins/content/ja_tabs/ja_tabs.js. Neither of these changes has any effect.

    Of course the problem may be specific to the version of IE7 I have so I would appreciate feedback from other IE7 users. As you click each tab the blog should sit just under the tab text and so move up and down as you click each tab.

    I can’t ignore this since IE7 is still used by half the world. Ideas please.

    Server: Linux CentOS; php 5.2.4; MySQL 5.1.30.
    Joomla: 1.5.13 with Media Manager patch for 1.5.14 manually applied; Cache No;
    Template: downloaded 24 Sept 09 with no customisations.
    Editor: JCE
    Client: Firefox 3.0.14/Vista 64-bit and IE7 (see .jpg for exact version)/Vista 32-bit.
    The version of IE7 is indicated by the .jpg thus 5913

    Css Magician Friend

    Dear zealand,

    Please open file and add the style at line 568 :

    position: relative;

    as follow

    #ja-containerwrap, #ja-containerwrap-f, #ja-containerwrap-c {
    background: #333333;
    clear :both;
    padding-bottom: 30px;
    position: relative;

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