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  • sofiamiche Friend

    I’m using the Teline II template in an uncommon way, using the blog layout to show only one complete article and allow the visitor to see the following article using the “previous” “next” links. (So when I press on a link I see only one article (complete), then click on “next” and see the following.. and so on).

    The point is that I need the images appear as they are placed in the article when that article is shown in the blog layout view.

    Compare this two links:
    First link

    Second link

    The first one is a “blog layout” link.
    The second is a link aiming to an article.
    I need the blog layout link show the article as the second link does.

    You may suggest me to get rid of the “blog layout” link and use an “article” link, but I cannot because the “blog layout” link makes joomla show the proper colour theme.

    So, how can I make the blog layout page show the real article’s content:
    show the image in the place it was inserted
    show as many images as the article has (blog layout only shows one on top left of the article).

    Thank you!

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  sofiamiche 14 years, 3 months ago.

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