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  • jdkock Friend

    I make a new photography website with Joomla 2.5.4 and JA-Purity II and i wanna put a image rotator/slideshow on the home page. Like this site :

    I already installed Phoca Gallery for all the photos and Phoca Gallery slideshow nivo for the slideshow.
    Now is the problem to what position do i need to place this slideshow if i wanna see it as the main content of my home page like that site.
    If i put it in position user1 than it shows the images above the main module.

    swissa Friend

    Well one thing you can do with Purity is to turn off the main content for the front page so that it doesn’t show and then still use user1 for the slideshow.

    Copy your default profile and call it for example ‘front-page’. Set in Global Settings for the main content block to hide e.g. ‘hide main content block’ to yes and pick the front page profile. On the left in page assignments pick the menü for this i.e. home-page and match it to the front-page profile.

    Make sure that for all the other pages you pick default and set default profile to have ‘hide main content block’ to no.

    Maybe that helps you – if this is not clear let me know. I posted this on another forum which I guess you won’t have access but if needs be I can copy it over with the images.

    jdkock Friend

    Thanks. I’m going to try this. But can you please copy the post from the other forum with images here. I think i can use that also.

    Than it is possible to have the image slideshow on the home page in the main part and on an other page, for example my blog i can still have a left and main part ?

    I did what you say. The slideshow i put in user1 and i hide the main content block, but in my css i have a border around ja-container and i still see this. So does the main content block not hide correctly ?

    swissa Friend

    Nothing will change on the site apart from the front page where it won’t have the main content section.

    So NO, the slideshow won’t be in the main content part as we’ve set this not to show. Publish it in for example user1 and if needed use css to style it. On my test Purity I picked user3 and added a margin in the css.

    Everything else on all other pages will be as you set them – with the main content showing. Modules will appear on the pages you specify in their settings etc.

    *** ORIGINAL POST ***

    In your profiles you can have many. Like colours for example or in your case you need two. One called default for all pages of the site and a second called front-page just for the front page. This front-page one does not allow the main content block to show. Default is as normal. Please see the pictures here.

    Then you must on the left hand side assign these profiles for the pages.

    See my example here

    So, only on the front page – “Home” menü – does this front-page profile with no main content work. All the other pages as you can see take the default profile which allows the main content to show.

    I hope this is clearer for you now.


    Give it a try and if you need help with the css, you’ll need to post the url and set optimise css in template manager to off. Then someone here will be able to help you centre it etc.

    Hope that helps you. Good luck!

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-04-06-at-18.52-1
    2. Screen-Shot-2012-04-06-at-18.52
    3. Screen-Shot-2012-04-06-at-18.54
    jdkock Friend

    It works. I now have the slideshow on the frontpage. But like i say, i now have the problem with the border around ja-container main that i still see. And if i remove the border, i still have an empty space to the footer.

    #ja-container .main {
    padding: 20px 0;
    min-height: 350px;
    border: 1px solid #666;

    I’m now working the site on my local pc. So maybe later i put it live.

    swissa Friend

    <em>@jdkock 312853 wrote:</em><blockquote>It works. I now have the slideshow on the frontpage. But like i say, i now have the problem with the border around ja-container main that i still see. And if i remove the border, i still have an empty space to the footer.

    #ja-container .main {
    padding: 20px 0;
    min-height: 350px;
    border: 1px solid #666;

    I’m now working the site on my local pc. So maybe later i put it live.</blockquote>

    When you get it live and need help just post up on the forum. Having a white space though probably comes from the min-height. Try commenting that out (I don’t like just deleting stuff – I forget what I had!) and see what happens then. You can also change the bottom border by adjusting the css @ #ja-container

    jdkock Friend

    Ok it’s live now :
    You can now see the slideshow on the frontpage in position user3 with a border around, that’s ok. But under it is the main module (ja-container main) with also a border around it. I don’t wanna show this. If i leave the border away than still i have an empty space between position user 3 and the footer.

    An other possible solution is to try to get a slideshow working in an article.

    swissa Friend

    Who would have thought that a Renault Megane could look so good?!

    To be honest Jeroen I don’t know the answer. I think you need a border for the other pages to wrap the content and keep it all looking smart. I tried deleting it out on line 1116 and adding it back for the inner on line 1252 but that also effects the front page.

    I think you need someone with a higher skill set than mine. I know khoand is on the forum at the moment and he (she?) seems to be highly gifted at css. You may want to wait to see if it is picked up here or repost to ensure it gets viewed.

    Sorry, I could only take you so far!!

    jdkock Friend

    Ok thanks so far swissa. Hopefully khoand read this post also.

    swissa Friend

    <em>@jdkock 313032 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ok thanks so far swissa. Hopefully khoand read this post also.</blockquote>

    I had an idea about this which you can play with and try if you like.

    In the css add this new class (anywhere really!)

    #ja-container.front {

    • display: none;


    For the menü item “Home” in the Page Display Options add ” front” into the space for Page Class (I think you need the leading space).

    Now if it works like a module then for this menü item – Home it should apply the css with the display: none; i.e. it will disappear. Could be worth a try until someone with a brain answers! 😀

    jdkock Friend

    I added it to my template.css exactly you said and also in the page display options i put front into the page class (with or without a space), but it doesn’t work. I don’t see anything change.

    swissa Friend

    Seeing as no-one else has offered advice I went and looked around for you on the forum.

    I found this, which is what I was trying to do but will probably work whereas mine didn’t……

    QUOTE (from pavit)

    you can create a new class in template.css

    For example


    .body-nomain #ja-container {display: none;}
    then add the suffix -nomain in the menu item referred to the page

    Page Display Options Page Class -nomain

    See if that helps you. Otherwise I would post anew and see if you get a better response. Or even a response!


    jdkock Friend

    <em>@swissa 313112 wrote:</em><blockquote>Seeing as no-one else has offered advice I went and looked around for you on the forum.

    I found this, which is what I was trying to do but will probably work whereas mine didn’t……


    you can create a new class in template.css

    For example


    .body-nomain #ja-container {display: none;}
    then add the suffix -nomain in the menu item referred to the page

    Page Display Options Page Class -nomain

    See if that helps you. Otherwise I would post anew and see if you get a better response. Or even a response!


    YES, THANKS! It now works. The main part with border is gone on the home page but still on the other pages.
    Again thanks for your help.

    swissa Friend

    Pleased to hear that!! If you see someone else with the same problem you can now help them too! 😀

    Best of luck with the nice site.

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