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  • alegioia Friend

    Good morning, please
    in attachment there is my problem, the pathway images in virtuemart when i go in category product, distort. Why ? Can you help me to resolve this situation ? Thank you

    p.s. see attachment

    1. images_pathway
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi alegioia !
    It is difficult for me to detect the root of issue. Please provide me with a url of your website, I will have a look at the issue.

    alegioia Friend
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi alegioia !
    You can fix it by following way below :
    Open template.css file in templates/ja_edenite/css folder at about line 814 :

    #ja-pathway img {
    margin:1px 5px;

    change to :

    #ja-pathway img {
    margin:1px 5px;

    alegioia Friend

    This problem is correct but the pathway of virtuemart product under, error persist, thank you very much 😀
    I see the images distort. Could you help me? thank you

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi alegioia !
    This is problem in path of VM , you can fix it by way below :
    Open ps_product_category.php file in administratorcomponentscom_virtuemartclasses folder , find following code section :

    if (file_exists( "$mosConfig_absolute_path/$imgPath" )){
    $img = '<img src="' . $mosConfig_live_site . '/' . $imgPath . '" height="9" width="9" border="0" alt="arrow" />';
    } else {
    $imgPath = '/images/M_images/arrow.png';
    if (file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path . $imgPath )){
    $img = '<img src="' . $mosConfig_live_site . '/images/M_images/arrow.png" height="9" width="9" alt="arrow" />';
    } else {
    $img = '>';

    change to :

    if (file_exists( "$mosConfig_absolute_path/$imgPath" )){
    $img = '<img src="' . $mosConfig_live_site . '/' . $imgPath . '" height="4" width="4" border="0" alt="arrow" />';
    } else {
    $imgPath = '/images/M_images/arrow.png';
    if (file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path . $imgPath )){
    $img = '<img src="' . $mosConfig_live_site . '/images/M_images/arrow.png" height="4" width="4" alt="arrow" />';
    } else {
    $img = '>';

    alegioia Friend

    Fantastic, i’ve resolved thank to you, thank you very much 😀

    You are big person;)

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  alegioia 16 years ago.

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