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  • ssuresh Friend

    Hi! :-[:-[:confused::confused:

    I Need to Creat a New Position in Breadcrumbs area..
    For Example : Plz refer the Attachement :confused::confused::confused:

    1. Theinfotalk
    prakash Friend


    to create a new position… say search-breadcrumbs

    you do this..

    first create div and float it right…

    then set the Joomla module incude

    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="search-breadcrumbs" />

    add this inside the div inside the breadcrumbs that u created…and u r done..

    now in module manager u can set the search position to search-breadcrumbs and it would be visible there

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear ssuresh!

    Please try to follow the prbalge’s solution to resolve your issue,


    ssuresh Friend

    i can’t understand the Steps Can you please explain in details ????

    prakash Friend

    Hi SSuresh
    The steps are explained in detail as you wanted them.
    First Step Create a DIV inside the breadcrumbs… and float it right.
    Second set the module include that I have defined above into the div you floated.

    Now in module manager you simply need to add search module and position as the position we defined above.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear SSuresh!

    Please complete this task as following:

    1) open the file: templatesja_edeniteindex.php and find code:
    and replace:

    <div id=”ja-extrapos”>
    <div class=”left”><jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”posleft” /></div>
    <div class=”right”><jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”posright” /></div>

    2) add the following code into the template.css file:

    #ja-extrapos .left{
    padding:5px 0px;
    #ja-extrapos .right{
    padding:5px 0px;

    3) you put the breadcrumb module in the posleft position and put the search module in the “posright” position

    GOod luck

    ventmash Friend

    In edenite for joomla 1.7 in what file i can paste this code

    <SCRIPT language=”JScript” src=”decorer.js”></SCRIPT>
    <LINK REL=”Stylesheet” TYPE=”text/css” HREF=”decorer.css”>


    templatesja_edeniteindex.php – not same like in joomla 1.5

    i want add java script for image table string like zebra, in what file i must write this string ???

    khoand Friend

    It’s here: /plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/blocks/head.php

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