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  • mjandia Friend

    In my payment page using akeeba subscritption, since i put the new template teline iii the price are very small. So, I want to know how to rise the size of them without changing the size of other font ?

    Thank you for your help ?

    TomC Moderator

    So that I can try to best assist you, please provide the url of the site you’re working on,
    as well as set “Optimize CSS” to “No” within your Template Manager–General settings.

    It would also be helpful if you could provide the link to the subscription page you are referring to.

    mjandia Friend

    He re is the subscription page : here

    But the Optimize CSS” is already to “No” within your Template Manager–General settings.

    The Url of the site is :

    TomC Moderator

    Can you check to see if your is also set to “Development Mode” within your Template Manager?

    I believe I’ve found the solution for you, but the CSS is not appearing as it should (within Firebig) so that I can direct you to the correct file paths/CSS.

    mjandia Friend

    No the developpment mode is off

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@mjandia 401229 wrote:</em><blockquote>No the developpment mode is off</blockquote>

    Turn it on for me and let me know

    mjandia Friend

    it’s done nothing change

    TomC Moderator

    Okay, well I am not certain why the correct CSS path is not displaying as it should within Firebug web inspector, but if you can locate the CSS for your Akeeba Subscription function, then I believe what you would need to do is the following . . .

    Find the following CSS rule and delete the “font-size” property

    table.table-striped td, table.table-striped th {
    font-size: 11px;

    Then find the following CSS rule and adjust the “font-size” property as you wish . . .

    td.akeebasubs-strappy-price {
    font-size: 200%;
    font-style: italic;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-align: center !important;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #AAAAAA

    With those adjustments, only the price display should be affected.

    I tested it out in Firebug and it seemed to work.

    If you want to know how to use the Firebug Web Inspector tool –> SEE HERE

    mjandia Friend

    But I don’t know the path,I don’t want tu put hours to find. I’will contact akeebabackup to solve that problem. I think it’s better.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@mjandia 401238 wrote:</em><blockquote>But I don’t know the path,I don’t want tu put hours to find. I’will contact akeebabackup to solve that problem. I think it’s better.</blockquote>

    That may be a good idea – as they may know the correct CSS file paths.

    I am not sure why the CSS path for the Akeeba component is not displaying as it otherwise should within Firebug – as virtually all other CSS file paths do. Perhaps it’s some quirky way the Akeeba Developers coded their product.


    mjandia Friend

    Thank you for your help. Have a nice day

    mjandia Friend

    problem solved

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@mjandia 401683 wrote:</em><blockquote>problem solved</blockquote>

    CONGRATS !!!

    Might you be able to share your solution … so that others may benefit in case they experience something similar?

    mjandia Friend

    You’re right. The reason that you coudn’t see the css was that jch optimize hide some adress or name of css

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