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  • elude Friend


    One year ago, I worked with JA K2 Filter search and as I need to display a k2 plugin on k2 category view . Thanks to your team, I got the solution (https://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/ja-k2-filter-and-ja-social-ii-template/page/2/?bbp_reply_to=1012783&_wpnonce=a16cc48e2f#new-post)

    However I would like to have the same plugin working with Mega Filter. Do you think it’s possible to display k2 plugin on k2 item in Mega Filter ?

    I tried to modify the plugin as I have made for JA K2 Filter search but it doesn’t work. Here is the code I tried :

    if ($application->isSite() && ($option == 'com_k2' || $option == 'com_jak2filter' || $option == 'com_jamegafilter'))
                // Category view
                if ($context == 'com_k2.itemlist')
                    // Check for category inclusion
                    $categoryIsIncluded = $this->checkCategoryInclusion($item->catid);
                    if ($this->params->get('enable_in_category') && $this->params->get('position_in_category') == '1' && $categoryIsIncluded)
                        $output = $this->renderFavoritesButton($item->id, $item->title);
                        $output = ''; 
                // Category view
                if ($context == 'com_jak2filter.itemlist' && isset($item->extra_fields) && $item->extra_fields != '[]')
                    // Check for category inclusion
                    $categoryIsIncluded = $this->checkCategoryInclusion($item->catid);
                    if ($this->params->get('enable_in_category') && $this->params->get('position_in_category') == '1' && $categoryIsIncluded)
                        $output = $this->renderFavoritesButton($item->id, $item->title);
                        $output = ''; 
                // Category view
                if ($context == 'com_jamegafilter.layout-default' && isset($item->extra_fields) && $item->extra_fields != '[]')
                    // Check for category inclusion
                    $categoryIsIncluded = $this->checkCategoryInclusion($item->catid);
                    if ($this->params->get('enable_in_category') && $this->params->get('position_in_category') == '1' && $categoryIsIncluded)
                        $output = $this->renderFavoritesButton($item->id, $item->title);
                        $output = ''; 

    Did I commit a mistake ? Is there any way to make a k2 plugin work with Mega Filter ? I bought again a licence just to have an answer about this sot thanks you very much for your help.



    Saguaros Moderator


    As our dev replied in that topic, that plugin is working with com_k2 only and it seems that you’ve already hired a dev to implement it, is that correct?

    elude Friend


    Thanks for your answer.

    No I just made the customization following the advice given. But when I want to do the same for Megafilter it doesn’t work. That’s why I need an advice to make it work. If you thing it’s not possible at all to make it work, no problem, I would just ask a refund.


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Elude,

    You can share the package of that plugin and the FTP account of your site, I will take a look if it can be done.


    elude Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Elude,

    I will share with the developer of this extension for further checking if it can be done.


    elude Friend


    Sorry to ask but have you any news about this ?

    Many thanks,


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Elude,

    This is quite complicated, give us more time on this.

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