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  • charles99 Friend

    In order to use Ja Builder I would have to disable the Metric data collection features!

    I can not put anything on my site that collects information about my client system no matter how minor the information that Joomlart Collects.

    Extension name
    Extension version
    Joomla version
    php version
    Database type, version
    Server type

    Can you tell me why you need this information? And if others are not telling their clients about the data that Ja Builder is Collecting I know I wouldn’t use their services or take legal actions. This should be an option for each website owner should be able to select to do or agree to do before Joomlart should be able to collect any type of data…

    Plus all the information you are collecting is information I block anyone from getting… So I will not be using Ja Builder after all. And will have to check all my sites and clients sites to make sure there are no call home option in any of Joomlart Templates….

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi Charles,

    This is what we get from the anonymous metrics collection. Builder Metrics

    JA Builder is being used on 17 Joomla versions is one of the findings of the metrics. Apart from knowing the server, PHP and DB versions in use, thereby helping us prioritize testing and development tasks.

    It is anonymous data which is collected on install / uninstall/upgrade and does not involve any personal info or domains or behavior. To face the reality every app in this age is collecting data to improve the quality and service.

    No, we do not have any callbacks in our templates or other products like other Joomla developers have. Nor we force our users to add any tracking API keys or license key to our products.

    Yes, We can make it optional for users in the next release.


    charles99 Friend


    Just following up on the optional features that you said would be implemented in the next update. I have checked version 1.0.6 and I don’t see the option to turn the Metric data collection off. So can you please tell me when will this feature be implemented?

    As minor as the information Joomlart is collecting I am bounded to let my clients know that information about the website is being collected by a third party. If I was collecting this information I don’t think it would be a problem but Joomlart is collecting this information and I don’t have the right to give Joomlart permission to collect anything from my clients. I am required to let them know what information is being collected by Joomlart JA Builder. And the 6 clients that I have used JA Builder to build their websites all asked me to disable this feature. So for legal reasons the Metric Data Collection should be turned off or diable when JA Builder is installed. And the Developer or Enduser would be required to enable Metric Data Collection if they wish to provide Joomlart with the information Joomlart seeks.

    For now I had to use another Website Builder in order to meet my clients requests. As minor as the information Joomlart would like to collect no developer can make the decision for their client and this information should always be presented to a developer customer before installing JA Builder…

    Again can you please tell me when this option to turn off the Metric Data Collection Feature will be implemented, it will save me time and allow me to stay within my own Company Privacy Policy: My company does not share information about my clients with third parties, this feature in JA Builder Conflict with my company Privacy Policy and everyone that uses JA Builder!

    I look forward in reading your reply…

    charles99 Friend


    Just following up on the optional features that you said would be implemented in the next update. I have checked version 1.0.6 and I don’t see the option to turn the Metric data collection off. So can you please tell me when will this feature be implemented?

    As minor as the information Joomlart is collecting I am obligated to let my clients know that information about the website is being collected by a third party. If I was collecting this information I don’t think it would be a problem but Joomlart is collecting this information and I don’t have the right to give Joomlart permission to collect anything from my clients. I am required to let them know what information is being collected by Joomlart JA Builder. And the 6 clients that I have used JA Builder to build their websites all asked me to disable this feature. So for legal reasons the Metric Data Collection should be turned off or diable when JA Builder is installed. And the Developer or Enduser would be required to enable Metric Data Collection if they wish to provide Joomlart with the information Joomlart seeks.

    For now I had to use another Website Builder in order to meet my clients requests. As minor as the information Joomlart would like to collect no developer can make the decision for their client and this information should always be presented to a developer customer before installing JA Builder…

    Again can you please tell me when this option to turn off the Metric Data Collection Feature will be implemented, it will save me time and allow me to stay within my own Company Privacy Policy: My company does not share information about my clients with third parties, this feature in JA Builder Conflict with my company Privacy Policy also and everyone that uses JA Builder!

    So I look forward in reading your reply…

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi Charles,

    This will be available in the next version. Got confirmation from the Devs.

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  charles99 6 years, 11 months ago.

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