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  • tifa29 Friend

    Hi, i wish to disable the menu description. How can i do it?

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Please open the file ja_vars_1.5.php in the template folder and edit the line 71 as follows:

    //Main navigation
    $ja_menutype = $tmpTools->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU);
    include_once( dirname(__FILE__).DS.'ja_menus/Base.class.php' );
    $japarams = JA_Base::createParameterObject('');
    $japarams->set( 'menutype', $tmpTools->getParam('menutype', 'mainmenu') );
    $japarams->set( 'menu_images_align', 'left' );
    $japarams->set( 'menupath', $tmpTools->templateurl() .'/ja_menus');
    $japarams->set('menu_title', 1);

    change to

    //Main navigation
    $ja_menutype = $tmpTools->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU);
    include_once( dirname(__FILE__).DS.'ja_menus/Base.class.php' );
    $japarams = JA_Base::createParameterObject('');
    $japarams->set( 'menutype', $tmpTools->getParam('menutype', 'mainmenu') );
    $japarams->set( 'menu_images_align', 'left' );
    $japarams->set( 'menupath', $tmpTools->templateurl() .'/ja_menus');
    $japarams->set('menu_title', 0);

    Slide Menu Parameters
    Step 1: Select the slide menu option in Extentions >> Template Manger >> JA Corona

    Step 2: Change the menu title as you wish in Page title

    PS: You can disable the menu title by following steps:

    Step 1: Open the Open the ja_vars_1.5.php file in template package

    Step 2: Change the value from 1 to 0 in the line 71. (More details)

    Thread is stickied.

    tifa29 Friend

    That was very easy. Thank You very much. 🙂

    markfrickel Friend

    1. What if you see “The Parameter-File /templates/ja_corona/params.ini is Unwritable!”? I checked System Info and everything is set to Writeable.

    2. When I try to maximize the “Parameters – System”, there is nothing under it. ???

    Are these two problems related?

    gregat99 Friend

    For sites being created in Joomla 1.0x, the option to change/modify menu item parameters (i.e the Title for the menu description) does not seem to be present when adding menu links to Static Content (or other content for that matter).

    If the site is installed using the quicklaunch, the parameters are available for the default menu items, but every item created thereafter lacks an option to change the page title.

    Any insight would be appreciated – I would have wrote this off to a 1.0 vs 1.5 difference, but the fact that the launcher includes these features confuses me.



    efastnet Friend

    Ditto the last post. It would be extremely usefull to be able to add a description to menu items in Joomla 1.0.x Any ideas guys. Please reply with a solution – it must be possible!

    epiccentral Friend

    Anyone know how to add description to external link menu?

    Currently the title parameter system (show/hide) is not available.

    BTW I am using version 1.5.3

    vwrmic Friend

    I would also like to know how this would be accomplished on external links if possible. It would allow the link to my forums to have a description.

    Any ideas?

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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