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  • renycheah Friend

    According to the documentation, the Hot icon will automatically displayed based on a total number of hits.
    1) How to set the total number of hits?
    2) How to increase the total number of New icon more than 10?


    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    To increase the total number of hits before “Hot” appears…

    Click on: JA_WALL- DEFAULT template
    You’ll find the setting in the “Advanced Options” > Hot Hits Count

    As for “New”…
    You can add “New” to any item with the styling “item-new” or …
    If you want it to automate it like HOT here is a modification.

    Have Fun!

    renycheah Friend

    Thank you sir.

    renycheah Friend

    <em>@jwbrett 375920 wrote:</em><blockquote>To increase the total number of hits before “Hot” appears…

    Click on: JA_WALL- DEFAULT template
    You’ll find the setting in the “Advanced Options” > Hot Hits Count

    As for “New”…
    You can add “New” to any item with the styling “item-new” or …
    If you want it to automate it like HOT here is a modification.

    Have Fun!</blockquote>

    Sir, by comparing the ja wall demo with my own version, I found a weird similarity.
    In the Color Block Theme, to make the article HOT I have to manually add the “hilite” into the extended class, else it’ll always be NEW even-though the article already hits the counts .
    This works fine in default theme though.
    Please advice.

    renycheah Friend

    I fixed it. Thanks.

    xumbrella Friend

    <em>@renycheah 376620 wrote:</em><blockquote>I fixed it. Thanks.</blockquote>

    Hi I am using the colour block light theme and have this problem… when the hits get to the set amount (40) the new button is displayed and not the “hot” button… could you elaborate on how to fix this?

    thank you.

    xumbrella Friend

    <em>@xumbrella 383107 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi I am using the colour block light theme and have this problem… when the hits get to the set amount (40) the new button is displayed and not the “hot” button… could you elaborate on how to fix this?

    thank you.</blockquote>

    oh you can see on my site here:


    Nazario A Friend

    Hi xumbrella,

    When you set the parameter: Hot Hits count = 40 – this is the minimum count so that when one item gets over 40 hits, it will be hot

    I just checked your site and saw that no amount of hits greater than 40.

    Please check again.

    If your problem still persists, you send me ADMIN account for check and fix it.



    xumbrella Friend

    Hi Nazario, thanks for the reply, but I do have hit counts over 40… see below links:

    As you can see the hit count is over 40 and the new button is displayed.


    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Let me…

    Perhaps you are trying to show two different tags at once? – “Hot” and “New” on the same article. This is not possible under the current coding. It will always default to the manually entered extended class.

    So if you set a piece of content as extended class “item-new” when it is created it will stay that way until you remove it no matter the number of hits you have.

    Have fun!

    xumbrella Friend

    Hi I have not changed anything to this part of the site, it is this way “out of the box”.

    So to clarify, it shows the “new” button instead of “hot” when it hits the hit count threshold (40)… I am not trying to show two buttons at once..

    Actually it would be perfect if it showed as “new” when an article is new and the “hot” when it gets enough hits… I guess this is what is supposed to happen by default, right?

    Any further insight would be helpful.


    Nazario A Friend

    Hi xumbrella,

    By default, the articles show the “HOT” button when it gets enough hits.

    You can get “NEW” button to automate like “HOT” button at:

    When an article is new (Published), the “NEW” button will display.

    $newdate = strtotime($this->item->publish_up) + 259200;
    $nowdate = time();

    After that time (259200 – 72 hours – you can change it), if an article gets enough hits, the “HOT” button will display to replace the “NEW” button.

    Hope this is clear and helpful to you. 🙂



    xumbrella Friend

    Hi Nazirio,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply to my problem I appreciate it.

    Your response above explains the way it should work and the way I wish it did! However, on my site it does not show the new button when the post is less than 72 hrs old and it only appears when a post experiences more than 40 hits (I have this set as the “HOT” threshold).

    I have not edited any code what so ever so do not understand why this happens and the site is not working as it should. If you go to my site you can see that the most recent posts do not show the “new” button and when you scroll down you can see posts with over 40 hits that are over 72 hrs old and show the “new” button. Obviously you can see why i am confused!

    any further help in this matter would greatly be appreciated.

    Maybe you could tell me where the code is that actions these functions so that I can check if something is not correct?

    many thanks.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Could you pm me admin & FTP account of site you’re working on for further checking?

    xumbrella Friend

    <em>@Saguaros 392862 wrote:</em><blockquote>Could you pm me admin & FTP account of site you’re working on for further checking?</blockquote>

    Hi, I managed to solve this so thought i would post in case any one else had the same problem.

    If you are using “color block light” theme, go to /templates/ja_wall/themes/color_block_light/css/theme.css

    on line 546 the back ground colour is wrong, change to #c00

    and then on line 549, change content: “new”; to content: “hot”;

    the clear cache etc.

    hope this helps.


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This topic contains 15 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  xumbrella 10 years, 6 months ago.

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