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  • julianobenvindo Friend


    I want to add a horizontal menu just beside the login as it is designed in JA Bliz. I have already created a position, a menu, as well as read some articles on how to make a horizontal menu, but no success so far…

    I want to do something like we see in JA Anion (with those brackets, but to be placed beside login).

    I also attach a picture of how the layout is now configured here. The new position is “menu-superior”. Oddly, whenever I make it visible in backend, the login disappears in frontend.

    How could it be done, please?

    Thank you very much…

    1. Captura-de-Tela-2014-10-18-às-16.33.42
    2. Captura-de-Tela-2014-10-18-às-16.46.11
    3. Captura-de-Tela-2014-10-18-às-16.38.41
    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @julianobenvindo,

    Could you please provide your site url with temporary back-end account via private reply so I can take a look at the problem ?

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