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  • pramodsahu Friend

    Hello Team,

    please help me in this

    home page selected products displaying instead of “popular products”/”latest products



    Nazario A Friend

    Hi Pramod,

    Currently, I can not access your site, I get this error.

    Please check it again then get back to me when your site is online.

    pramodsahu Friend

    Hello Nazario,

    My self trying, that is the reason its not working. Please check now.

    site 1 details (existing):

    Here used Popular Products. instead of this i want to display selected products.

    site 2 details (new installation with demo data)

    As there is no other option in assigning from home page menu assign, i have created demo category and displaying in home page but using this way problem is, when we click on product from home page in the product description page whatever home page related modules also displaying.

    Please guide me the best way to display 20/30 selected products in home page. I’m tired off searching …..

    Thanks in advance.

    Nazario A Friend

    In Joomla, if you want to view article individually, that article must be assigned to a menu item. Pls create a new menu item (or use an existing one) and assign article (or category that article belongs to) to this new menu item and also make sure that you don’t assign any module to this menu item.

    In this case, because you select MijoShop >> Category for Menu Item Type and select the category “Novels” for Home menu item, then the product will show on hompage.

    I just change the menu type of Home menu item to “Articles >> Featured Articles”. Now when you click to the product, it will show on the Novels page.

    Please check it again and let me know if this helps

    pramodsahu Friend

    Hello Nazario,

    I don’t know my question you understand or not.

    I don’t want articles in home page, because it’s eComm site, i wanted to display “Novels” category in home page.

    If i use “Popular Products” or “Latest Products” its working fine, only when i use category option i’m facing this issue, please try to understand my question.

    Thank you,

    Nazario A Friend

    Hi Pramod,

    When you select the category option and select “Novels” category, it will shows all the product in “Novels” category. Now, it shows 4 products only.

    If you want to select the products to show on homepage, you can disable the products you don’t want to show.

    <blockquote>Please guide me the best way to display 20/30 selected products in home page. I’m tired off searching …..</blockquote>

    You can set the number of products are shown perpage in backend >> Mijoshop >> Settings >> Option

    This is configuration of Mijoshop component. It would be best if you ask them in Mijoshop’s forum so that they will help you more.

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nazario A 9 years, 11 months ago.

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