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  • seob19 Friend


    I am basically new with joomla, and i am trying to use the beryl tamplate for the first time. I am trying to put a background image for the columns.. i have been trying to do it for 2 days now.. and i am not getting anything with these matter. Does some one know where i should write the script to add the background, like for example the rigth column, the body, and two users boxes?

    And an extra problem, how can i create a single botton menu. I need to add the link for passing between languages. I want it to be on the top, after the logo at side of the main menu. But not with the main menu. :p do i make sense.. I want it to be separated from the main menu, or with space in between..

    lamvt Friend

    1. to changes your collums background you need to edit Css file.: templates.css
    2. to creat new menu: on your backent loggged in: >>>menu manager>>> new
    and module manager to publish it

    seob19 Friend

    <em>@lamvt 175353 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,seob19
    1. to changes your collums background you need to edit Css file.: templates.css
    2. to creat new menu: on your backent loggged in: >>>menu manager>>> new
    and module manager to publish it
    GOOD LUCK</blockquote>

    hi lamvt

    Thanks for the answer. The thing is that i already have been looking for the location of the “boxes” on the template.css.
    I already checked on the .php file.. i looked for the name tht they give to the class..
    But yet, i am not able to make the change on the suppose class, or sometimes even find the so named class.. that where i am stock.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear seob19!

    Please kindly give me the snapshort on the issue, i would like to have a closer on the issue


    seob19 Friend

    hi tienhc

    Things happens like these.. correct me pls if i am wrong.

    On the snaps i have taken from the .php file that come on the template folder. In there i find that the boxes of “users”, got a specific name class. I tried looking for that name in the .css file. Under the botton spotligth sectiion. But the names that appear them are not similar between one a other. either way, i tried pasting the background image that i am suppose to put there.. but i havent managed to make it. i have already changed the location of — “backgound: url (../images7box-BG.gif)” image.. u can see it in blue on the snap shot of the template manager.. — but i havent get the result i want.

    What am i doing wrong? can u help me. :confused:

    Also, i am missing some other things.. for the boxes, most of them need to have a background.
    Also, on the .css file i managed to find the –h1.category– i could change color over it. but i cant change the one for –h1.sections- i suppose it should be. i could try to enter the code, but i dont know if it will work. But i am worried abuout the background thing. So if u can help me.. i will be deligthed.:-[

    1. snapsTempl
    2. snapsPHP
    seob19 Friend


    so far i have been able to put some background to the places i wanted. still some problem with it. The question is like these. is there a way to make the program fill the space of the box only to a certain porcentage. like its set for the box weigth, can i put it to the backgound repeat command?

    I am still certanly missing the color around the h1.section…

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear seob19!

    The snapshorts are so small, i could not see clear.

    if you would like to change background for the bottom spot light position you can add the following css into the template.css file:

    #ja-botsl .main {

    Good luck

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