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  • jooservices Friend

    This is some general information for posting questions/issues that will help the JA Support Team in addressing your issues . . .

    When posting your question/issue, please try to stick to the following guidelines . . .
    <blockquote>- One question for a thread
    – If applicable/possible, provide a screenshot (with notes) to explain the issue
    – Provide the url for your site … also identifying the page with the particular issue
    – Advise as to what additional extensions you have installed</blockquote>

    Often times we will request additional information from you so that we can try to investigate your question/issue as thoroughly as possible – such as:

    – Temporary Administration Access
    – Temporary FTP Access
    – Temporary (webhost) CPanel Access
    – Temporary phpMyAdmin Access

    If you do not feel comfortable providing the above information wihtin the public community forum, you can PM (private message) one of the Support Staff the information. Rest assured that such information will be kept/remain confidential.

    Quite often, we can ascertain the issue/error just from looking at your site url. However, some issues may require a bit more intense/deeper investigation. Some of the steps/actions we perform to investigate your issue include . . .
    <blockquote>- Quick check of your live site to investigate the issue/error

    – Make a temporary backup your site before any process ( that’s why we asked for backend access ) or make local copy (for more thorough testing purposes – so as not to damage your live/working site)

    – Sometimes utilize a local development environment with specialized tools to help us more deeply investigate your issue ( again, so as not to tamper with/damage your live/working site ).

    With an understanding of the above process, we can all work with each other in cooperation to try to answer questions and resolve issues as expeditiously and thoroughly as possible.

    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    jooservices Friend

    Update with some more

    Update latest version
    <blockquote>Please always check your current version and make sure it’s latest version.
    While posting, please also give us know which version you are using.</blockquote>

    Site ripping
    <blockquote>We have some case mentioned about site ripping for local work. Please don’t worry anything about these work. It’s normally.
    We won’t share any information / site source code to any one. Of course. It just need for working on your issue.
    So please don’t mind / worries about that.

    Issue determine
    <blockquote>As any extensions, it developed for the concept. And won’t be suprise if it’s not really match your case.
    In these case please:
    – Determine is that really bug or just not matched your expected / wanted . It’s different.</blockquote>

    Thank you
    Viet Vu

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  jooservices 12 years, 9 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum