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  • purina Friend

    Hello, I need to add code to the head.php. I cannot find it. It is different then in V1, isnot it ? thanks JIRI

    purina Friend

    Is it anybody outthere ……:confused:

    Phill Moderator

    Nope, everyone has run away to join the circus;)

    Things have moved around a bit in T3V2 with all the core stuff in the jat3 plugin. This means it is easier to upgrade without leaving people struggling when it is timeto upgrade much of the template.

    This does make things a little more complex for those new to T3V2 however.

    In the case of head.php it is currently in plugins>system>jat3>base-themes>default>blocks

    Now we do not want to edit it there or our changes would be overwritten if the plugin is updated so first we need to make a copy of that file. Copy it to templates>ja_teline_iii_v2>blocks then make your changes in that new file.

    In the case of head.php

    purina Friend

    THANKS very much, BUT I have a bit problem. When I copy this head.php to path you wrote down, I have got an empty page and not the web site. I need just to add this code:

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    /* (c)AdOcean 2003-2010 */
    if(typeof ado!==”object”){ado={};ado.config=ado.preview=ado.placement=ado.master=ado.slave=function(){};}
    ado.config({mode: “old”, xml: false, characterEncoding: true});
    ado.preview({enabled: true, emiter: “”, id: “dcqax5BCo6Kkt_gMzeSV68riPAMD8n.UiqK.aHdlzTn.j7″});

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    /* (c)AdOcean 2003-2010, MASTER: Ji__ _uji_.Cel_ web */
    ado.master({id: ‘SRJb0PG6_LF35_3ACF5l1yfvUS34pieAsrFqQGXVzDv.W7’, server: ‘’ });

    but it seems I do something wrong. Thanks for your help 🙂

    Phill Moderator

    I have just tried copying it myself and am not getting any problems. Does the site work if you just copy the head.php to templates>ja_teline_iii_v2>blocks

    If it does still work which it should then add your code like this

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # JA T3v2 Plugin - Template framework for Joomla 1.5
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 All Rights Reserved.
    # @license - GNU/GPL V2, For details
    # on licensing, Please Read Terms of Use at
    # Author:
    # Websites: -
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var siteurl='<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>/';
    var tmplurl='<?php echo JURI::base(true)."/templates/".T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE ?>/';
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    /* (c)AdOcean 2003-2010 */
    if(typeof ado!=="object"){ado={};ado.config=ado.preview=ado. placement=ado.master=ado.slave=function(){};}
    ado.config({mode: "old", xml: false, characterEncoding: true});
    ado.preview({enabled: true, emiter: "", id: "dcqax5BCo6Kkt_gMzeSV68riPAMD8n.UiqK.aHdlzTn.j7"}) ;
    <script type="text/javascript">
    /* (c)AdOcean 2003-2010, MASTER: Ji__ _uji_.Cel_ web */
    ado.master({id: 'SRJb0PG6_LF35_3ACF5l1yfvUS34pieAsrFqQGXVzDv.W7', server: '' });

    <jdoc:include type="head" />
    <?php if (T3Common::mobile_device_detect()=='iphone'):?>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=5.0; user-scalable=1;" />
    <meta name="apple-touch-fullscreen" content="YES" />
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php if (T3Common::mobile_device_detect()):?>
    <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true" />
    <?php endif;?>
    <link href="<?php echo T3Path::getUrl('images/favicon.ico') ?>" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" />
    <?php JHTML::stylesheet ('', 'templates/system/css/system.css') ?>
    <?php JHTML::stylesheet ('', 'templates/system/css/general.css') ?>
    .clearfix { display: inline-block; } /* IE7xhtml*/

    purina Friend

    there must be something worng. OK it works when I copy the code and make new head.php / but the banners are not showed /

    purina Friend

    no it works / it took some minutes to wake up / strange but thank you very much “”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  purina 13 years, 3 months ago.

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