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  • tekknoir Friend


    I purchased the Jobs Board software today (Although, I had to register another account to do so, as it wouldn’t let me buy it without registering a new account, even while logged in), but I’m having some troubles with it. Firstly, the URL provided for the instruction manual doesn’t work, so I’m having trouble finding a guide to getting started.

    I had some trouble with the licence on my test machine, but activated a trial licence for now.

    My main concern is how to set up newly-registered accounts as job seekers? And how do people apply to be an employer?

    I found a post on this board, but it basically said that’s all handled by the Joomla account creation system, however I’ve made some test accounts on the system, gone through the usual account activation, but I’m still unable to actually do anything with the jobs component once actually logged in. New users aren’t being added as job seekers, and I can’t see any way to allow them to change this themselves.

    I don’t mind them needing to manually request to be enlisted as an employer (This is how our old site worked), but all new accounts should default to job seeker.

    Do you have some kind of guide to setting the system up for the first time?
    There was a link provided with the software – but it points to……… And there is no /wiki on this server.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    tekknoir Friend


    I’ve managed to figure out how to get to the form where you choose if you are an employer or jobseeker, I was looking for something I could integrate into the Joomla menu system, not a whole other type of menu, but that’s ok. Can I add extra things onto that menu, for the sake of keeping my layout nice and clean?

    Additionally, on the “Update my info” page, there is some problem with invalid XHTML which is causing my site template to mess up, it’s either closing a div or table when it shouldn’t, or leaving one open somewhere. Can you help me find it? It’s causing the menu on the right-hand side of my page to appear at the bottom of the page, and also causing extra breaks in the site layout.

    james1234 Friend

    You may not be able to test your account because you may be logged in so you have tried to create an account as administrator.
    Try to log out and and then try to open a job account once you are logged out.

    Hope this one will help if not get back to me in here.


    james1234 Friend

    Send me your webpage so I can have a look at it.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi tekknoir,

    Kindly follow the instructions to create a help ticket including associated credentials to access your site for further technical support.

    tekknoir Friend

    Hi, sorry, unfortunately I can’t provide super administrator access to my employer’s site, we have been hacked in the past and have taken measures to tighten security. As a result, any user attempting to log in with an account which is a higher level than “Registered” is redirected to google (Unless they meet the other security criteria).

    Here is the HTML of the page which is causing trouble, it is the “Update my details” page displayed on first login (Before choosing seeker or employer)

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    <div class="moduletable usergroup-box">
    Account info </h3>
    <table class="tabledata usergroup-details">

    <tr class="first">
    <td width="150" class="key">
    Name </td>
    Holyrood Events </td>
    <td class="key">

    Username </td>
    events </td>
    <td class="key">
    Email </td>

    <td> </td>

    <td class="key">
    Register date </td>
    2009-12-15 10:15:01 </td>

    <td class="key">
    Last visit date </td>
    2009-12-15 10:16:27 </td>


    <input type="hidden" name="cid" value="69" />
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    Account type:

    <input type="radio" name="usergroup" id="usergroup0" value="0" checked="checked" class="inputbox" onclick='usergroup_change(this.value);' />
    <label for="usergroup0">Job seeker</label>

    <input type="radio" name="usergroup" id="usergroup1" value="1" class="inputbox" onclick='usergroup_change(this.value);' />
    <label for="usergroup1">Employer</label>


    <div id="jobseeker">

    <form name="resumeForm" action="index.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="moduletable usergroup-box">
    General details </h3>

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    <table class="tabledata">
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    <td width="10"> </td>

    <td width="80%">
    <input class='inputbox' type='text' name='address' id='address' value='' style="width:250px;height:18px;" /> </td>

    <tr class="row0">
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    <td width="10"> </td>
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    <select name="location_id" id="location_id" class='inputbox' style="width:150px;"><option value="" selected="selected">Please select...</option><option value="67" >England</option><option value="125" >.      |_ Avon</option><option value="126" >.      |_ Bedfordshire</option><option value="127" >.      |_ Berkshire</option><option value="128" >.      |_ Buckinghamshire</option><option value="129" >.      |_ Cambridgeshire</option><option value="130" >.      |_ Cheshire</option><option value="131" >.      |_ Cleveland</option><option value="132" >.      |_ Cornwall</option><option value="133" >.      |_ Cumbria</option><option value="134" >.      |_ Derbyshire</option><option value="135" >.      |_ Devon</option><option value="136" >.      |_ Dorset</option><option value="137" >.      |_ Durhum</option><option value="138" >.      |_ East Sussex</option><option value="139" >.      |_ Essex</option><option value="140" >.      |_ Gloucestershire</option><option value="141" 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>.      |_ Belfast</option><option value="202" >.      |_ Carrickfergus</option><option value="203" >.      |_ Castlereagh</option><option value="204" >.      |_ Coleraine</option><option value="205" >.      |_ Cookstown</option><option value="206" >.      |_ Craigavon</option><option value="207" >.      |_ Derry</option><option value="208" >.      |_ Down</option><option value="209" >.      |_ Dungannon</option><option value="210" >.      |_ Fermanagh</option><option value="211" >.      |_ Larne</option><option value="212" >.      |_ Limavady</option><option value="213" >.      |_ Lisburn</option><option value="214" >.      |_ Magherafelt</option><option value="215" >.      |_ Moyle</option><option value="216" >.      |_ Newry & Mourne</option><option value="217" >.      |_ Newtonabbey</option><option value="218" >.      |_ North Down</option><option value="219" >.      |_ Omagh</option><option value="220" >.      |_ Strabane</option><option value="66" >Scotland</option><option value="93" >.      |_ Aberdeen City</option><option value="94" >.      |_ Aberdeenshire</option><option value="95" >.      |_ Angus</option><option value="96" >.      |_ Argyll & Bute</option><option value="117" >.      |_ Borders</option><option value="97" >.      |_ Clackmannanshire</option><option value="98" >.      |_ Dumfries/Galloway</option><option value="99" >.      |_ Dundee City</option><option value="100" >.      |_ East Ayrshire</option><option value="101" >.      |_ East Dunbartonshire</option><option value="102" >.      |_ East Lothian</option><option value="103" >.      |_ East Renfrewshire</option><option value="104" >.      |_ Edinburgh City</option><option value="105" >.      |_ Falkirk</option><option value="106" >.      |_ Fife</option><option value="107" >.      |_ Glasgow City</option><option value="108" >.      |_ Highlands</option><option value="109" >.      |_ Inverclyde</option><option value="110" >.      |_ Midlothian</option><option value="111" >.      |_ Moray</option><option value="112" >.      |_ North Ayrshire</option><option value="113" >.      |_ North Lanarkshire</option><option value="114" >.      |_ Orkney</option><option value="115" >.      |_ Perth & Kinross</option><option value="116" >.      |_ Renfrewshire</option><option value="118" >.      |_ Shetland Islands</option><option value="119" >.      |_ South Ayrshire</option><option value="120" >.      |_ South Lanarkshire</option><option value="121" >.      |_ Stirling</option><option value="122" >.      |_ West Dunbartonshire</option><option value="123" >.      |_ West Lothian</option><option value="124" >.      |_ Western Isles</option><option value="68" >Wales</option><option value="173" >.      |_ Anglesey</option><option value="174" >.      |_ Blaenau Gwent</option><option value="175" >.      |_ Bridgend</option><option value="176" >.      |_ Caerphilly</option><option value="177" >.      |_ Cardiff</option><option value="178" >.      |_ Carmarthenshire</option><option value="179" >.      |_ Ceredigion</option><option value="180" >.      |_ Conwy</option><option value="181" >.      |_ Denbighshire</option><option value="182" >.      |_ Flintshire</option><option value="183" >.      |_ Gwynedd</option><option value="184" >.      |_ Merthyr Tydfil</option><option value="185" >.      |_ Monmouthshire</option><option value="187" >.      |_ Neath Port Talbot</option><option value="186" >.      |_ Newport</option><option value="188" >.      |_ Pembrokeshire</option><option value="189" >.      |_ Powys</option><option value="190" >.      |_ Rhondda</option><option value="191" >.      |_ Swansea</option><option value="192" >.      |_ Torfaen</option><option value="193" >.      |_ Vale of Glamorgan</option><option value="194" >.      |_ Wrexham</option></select><font color="red">*</font> </td>


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    I believe the error is on the job-seeker details section (As opposed to the employers details section).

    james1234 Friend

    Hi Tekknoir

    I will check it later it takes some time.


    tekknoir Friend

    Hey there,

    I’ve actually managed to sort the template issue, so that’s working a treat now.

    Next up: Apostrophes in fields ^_^

    When I log on with an employer account, and edit the address field of the profile, it doesn’t allow addresses with an apostrophe, it saves everything up to the apostrophe, but anything after that is lost. I’m somewhat concerned it’s a SQL injection vulnerability, but I don’t know what string sanitisation the jobs component performs, so I don’t know.

    I don’t get a huge amount of this, but if the same goes for other fields (I will try later when I find the time), then it could be problematic (Particularly for people with surnames like O’Brien etc). I’m not sure if I can go live with this product without this being fixed, and obviously I don’t have access to the code to fix it.

    I think if inputs are passed through addslashes() before inserting into database, and stripslashes() when loading from the database, then this will solve the problem.

    I’m also looking to remove all indications that the site has the functionality for premium jobs. I’ve disabled premium jobs by making it impossible to obtain the credits to post one, setting the limit to 0 posts, and taking all premium jobs and credit purchasing options off the menus, but there are a couple of places I need to remove it from.

    For example, when you look at the details of a job, it has a line that says “Premium job: No”. Since all jobs will be standard jobs, this line needs to go.

    Also, when building a custom jobs RSS, there is an option “Only Premium Jobs?”, which should also not be visible.

    If you can help me find where in the templates those lines are added, that would be great ^_^

    I think that’s it.. Very close to going live with this, would appreciate your response, thanks

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi tekknoir,

    Could you advise on which version of JA Job Board you are using? As the above mentioned bugs have been solved and updated to the latest version 1.3.3 already. If you have purchased an official license, kindly login and download the latest version for re-installation.

    If you still encounter any other issues, please follow the GUIDE and let us know for prompt assistance (remember to include

    tekknoir Friend


    I’ve made sure to install the latest version (Although the version I had installed was reporting itself as the latest version with its version tracker in the admin panel).

    It seems to be handling the apostrophes better, it loads the data from the field, it seems the problem I’m having is that the value for the field is encapsulated in apostrophes, so unencoded apostrophes in the value for the field result in HTML that looks a bit like this:

    <input type='text' name='address' value='Slater's steps' />

    Note the three apostrophes after value=, this is what’s causing it to appear to have forgotten everything past the apostrophe in the value.

    So, I’m happy it’s not a sql injection vulnerability anyway ^_^

    It needs to encode the apostrophes when they’re loaded into field values (I think you can replace them with ‘ ( & #39; ) and it should work). (Although it rendered correctly in the field as a job-seeker, but not as an employer).

    I also discovered another issue: once the profile details have been filled in when setting up the account, it appears as though they can’t be changed? Particularly the job-seeker resume details, but contact details for employers seem to be unable to be changed also.

    Unfortunately I can’t provide access as I’m running it on a development server inside a private network.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi again,

    Regarding the bug “could not edit user’s profile”, this was already fixed and updated to Job Board version. 1.3.2 since 26/Nov/09. You can go to our Job Board demo for more information.

    Employer Account: employer/employer
    Job Seeker Account: jobseeker/jobseeker

    For the error with customization form, I am sorry for not being of much help if I could not access your site for further investigation.

    As Job Board is no longer available with 30-day trial version but goes with 30-day moneyback guarantee instead, there might be many errors with trial version as we do not maintain it anymore. Kindly buy an official license for your job board, I do believe that you shall not meet the above mentioned issues any more.

    If you need any other help, please drop a line.

    tekknoir Friend

    OK, I did uninstall the component and install the version from the paid download, but I will also replace the modules.

    I had tried to use my product key to activate it on my dev server, but it keeps telling me the licence is not accepted. The account created at time of purchase is attached to the username HolyroodComms, I’m not sure if the licence needs activated at your end, or if the problem is that the domain name does not resolve to the same IP address as the live site (IE, the domain name resolves to one IP address, but my development server has a different IP address).

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi tekknoir,

    Thank you for the information. Actually, the license key shall be created and sent to you for the domain you provided within the purchase order.

    Thus, it shall not work for your dev site accordingly. To activate JA Job Board during development phase, please inform us on the associated domain so that we can send you a temporary key for it ASAP. (The original key shall be recovered once you go live site);)

    tekknoir Friend

    Hi there,

    I’ve made sure my software is up to date, however the problem still seems to exist. I have corrected the issue with apostrophes (The value was being loaded through the htmlspecialchars function, but ENT_QUOTES was not set, in assets/rendfield.php I made sure the values were being loaded with htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES), on lines 140, 327, and 374), and this has solved the apostrophe issue. However, I still can not save profile changes after initial profile setup.

    I have tested this on the demo site, but it also appears to have the same issue 🙁

    The dev site responds to the same URL the product was registered to, I plan to package it for instant deployment on the live site once it’s ready, the only real difference is the IP address, I’m not sure if Ioncube authentication looks at the IP address of the machine making the auth request to check it resolves to the same IP as the domain name, or if I’ve made the firewall settings on this machine excessively strict, preventing it from attempting to authenticate the product. I do have bit of a habit of that :F

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi there, please follow the guide here and post a help ticket with your site url/admin account, FTP access for further investigation.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

This topic contains 17 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tekknoir 14 years, 4 months ago.

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