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  • joachim funk Friend


    I want to make a few changes for the description of articles in the grid-view. First, I’ve increased the height in my custom.css:

    .fixel-grid .items.image.rotateY article .back .article-intro {
    height: 100px;

    Now, I want to truncate the description-string with a PHP-function to cut the string behind the last word – not somewhere between the letters. Where do I have to place the PHP-Code? Thanks for your help!

    Edit: I recognized, that the whole text of the article is loaded – so I think, I’ve to do it with JavaScript. Could someone tell me, where the right .php-file is located?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can apply my solution on this thread into JA Fixel Template and make changes from templates/ja_fixel/html/com_content/featured folder.

    joachim funk Friend

    Thanks – I’ve tried it, but without success. I will do some more checks the next days…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Can you send me the URL of your site and screenshot to illustrate where you need to truncate the description of articles?

    I will have a closer look and give you suggestion then.

    joachim funk Friend

    Hi Ninja!

    I’ve sent you a PM…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Thanks for your pm. Please follow steps below:

    + Download and extract my attached file

    + Copy default_item_images.php file into templates/ja_fixel/html/com_content/featured/ folder (Please back-up your old file first)

    + In the default_item_images.php file, you will see the limit text: 50. You can change the value as you wish.

    <?php echo cut_string($this->item->introtext, 50); ?>

    joachim funk Friend

    Hi Ninja!

    wow – thank’s a lot! That’s exactly what I want; works fine!

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  joachim funk 10 years, 3 months ago.

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