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  • austenn01 Friend


    I have asked about this in the past, but i’ll ask again.

    You have created your JoomlArt CCK, which is great!!

    Lately, you have been adding ‘Events’ sections to your templates, and with your new CCK you are adding ‘Event Start Date’ and ‘Event End Date’ fields.

    But, you dont give us an option to filter the Event List by ‘Event Start Date’ Choosing to filter based on Published Date is not an option (for obvious reasons), and using the other date based filtering options is not advisable either, as they are not event start date filters.

    I have then been told to choose ‘Article Manager Order’. This seems like too much work, plus for my clients, this is too much to understand.

    So why can’t we have the option to filter the Events List by ‘Event Start Date (IE: by the calendar/date picker field)?

    Secondly, I was looking through your ACM modules, and I see some modules are titled: ‘Upcoming Events”. Does this module actually filter based on ‘upcoming events’?

    Thirdly, I was looking at the code under the ACM folder, and I looked at this file: templateunzipacmeventstmpllist.xml

    In this file it has this code:

    description="Select a type">
    <option value="all_events">All Events</option>
    <option value="upcoming_events">It's Upcoming Events</option>
    <option value="current_events">Current Events</option>
    <option value="past_events">Past Events</option>

    I havent investigated, but thee text in the code above uses the word ‘filter’ and suggests we can filter based on ‘All Events, upcoming events, current events, and past events’. Does this have any relevance to giving us the ability to filter based on the ‘Event Start Date’ field.

    Honestly, I have been looking at CCK’s and extra field extensions for some time now, and generally speaking none of them allow you to filter based on the calendar field (unless its big cck’s like Seblod and Flexicontent). More and more template developers like JoomlArt are adding styling for ‘Events’ sections, AND more and more clients of mine are wanting ‘simple’ events listings on their sites, but they just want an event list (like a categroy blog layout), they dont want to see all the events on a calendar. All the Events based extensions are over bloated, they dont look very good, and all of them neglect the basic need of wanting a Events List that looks like a category blog layout with pagination at the bottom…yes i know, you can’t believe me right something so basic is missing?

    If JoomlArt could add this filtering ability, it would mean a very simple and elegant solution, and would make adoption of Joomla so much easier for the end user. I know it would make my life so much easier, as at the moment, my only real option is to use Seblod. Yes I like Seblod, but it seems rather bloated if all I need is a basic Joomla site with basic Events listing, Seblod seems like overkill for something like this, plus I want to keep my joomla sites as lean as possible so as to avoid any potential issues and conflicts.


    P.S. As I said above, i have been looking at CCK’s etc for a long time now, and JoomlArts CCK excites me a lot!!! Its based on standard Joomla Artciles, it feels like standard Joomla, and you have made it very lean (IE: we have to add fields via code, not some extra GUI to learn to add/edit fields…)..

    I think this could go a lot further than ‘just’ JoomlArt templates, but we do need filtering options for all field types.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @austenn01,

    May thanks for taking your time to send us a suggestion. At the moment we provide many content types so the development process is rather slow but I already sent a request so development team can have a look at the matter with event type.

    About the Upcoming Events, yes they are events that haven’t happened yet (the start date is after current date).

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