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  • nyabynghi Friend


    I have a couple of questions about the component.

    1. How do I make an existing user (Joomla) an Employer?

    2. There is a publish date but no date for the posting to expire, what’s the best way to handle that?

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi Nyabynghi

    Please see my answers in blue. Please check these again and let me know for further assistance.

    <em>@nyabynghi 177619 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I have a couple of questions about the component.

    1. How do I make an existing user (Joomla) an Employer?

    >> You must install JAJobBoard component, JAJobBoard Menu module. From frontend, you login with existing Joomla user on JAJobBoard Menu module => Update My Infro => Select Account type = Employer => Done.

    2. There is a publish date but no date for the posting to expire, what’s the best way to handle that?

    >> JAJobboard enables you to configure expired job within a time via : Admin: Components => Ja JobBoard => Global Settings => System Configuration => Job Posting => How many days does standard posting expire = x (days)


    nyabynghi Friend

    I would like to suggest you implement an “expiry” or “stop publishing” date. That way it can be set to the deadline for applications and the job would become inactive after that. This would be much better (and easier) than to enter the amount of days it should be displayed for.

    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@nyabynghi 181183 wrote:</em><blockquote>I would like to suggest you implement an “expiry” or “stop publishing” date. That way it can be set to the deadline for applications and the job would become inactive after that. This would be much better (and easier) than to enter the amount of days it should be displayed for.</blockquote>

    Hi guy,

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    Your suggestion is reported and we will consider to implement it in the next coming versions.

    sharpdome Friend

    Has the ability for an employer to specify an expiration date for a job post been implemented?

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear sharpdome

    JAJobBoard 1.5.0 supports expiry date for a job post. Employer can choose expiry date for a job when they post a new job.

    sharpdome Friend

    So an employer can set both the time when a job will be published, and the time it will be unpublished?

    In other words, they can create a job, set it to publish one week later, and set it to unpublish a week after that, so that the job only runs for a week?

    In the form on your demo, I only see a calendar selection for the publish date, not one for an unpublish date.

    Vinh CV Friend

    Dear sharpdome

    1. So an employer can set both the time when a job will be published, and the time it will be unpublished?
    => Yes.

    2. In the form on your demo, I only see a calendar selection for the publish date, not one for an unpublish date.
    => You must go to Admin panel: administrator/index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jamanagefields => Choose Job Form => Publish “Expiry Date” field to enable for Employer can set Expiry Date when post job on FrontEnd.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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