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  • carv Friend

    I have been trying to download that latest template but, when I am able to connect and start downloading, it only downloads part of the file… 18MB out of 98MB for example, resulting in a broken archive.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@carv 287668 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have been trying to download that latest template but, when I am able to connect and start downloading, it only downloads part of the file… 18MB out of 98MB for example, resulting in a broken archive.</blockquote>
    Which template are you trying to download?

    Perhaps this might be an issue with your ISP connectivity or browser?
    (which browser are you using?)

    carv Friend

    I was trying to dl Ja Kranos. I am using the latest firefox on windows 7 64 bit.

    I am having no problems with other sites but it takes a long time to connect to… sometimes it times out and sometimes I can connect and start downloading but like I said I haven’t yet had a successful download of the entire file. I am trying the google chrome browser now and it is still stuck on the status bar saying “waiting for” …
    okay it just timed out with this error message:

    No data received
    Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.

    Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.

    TomC Moderator

    There does appear to be an issue with our download server(s) – likely caused by increased demand for download of our latest JATC Template. Nevertheless, I will bring this matter to the immediate attention of our IT Techs so they can check server status and address this issue a.s.a.p.

    In the meantime, I am currently downloading the JA Kranos quickstart installation package – and, although progressing, it is taking longer than it should (though (currently) within 5 min). If you are wanting to download JA Kranos, might I suggest just downloading the one quickstart file package and then installing from there – as the quickstart installation (w/ sample date) includes all of the indicated complimentary modules and sample content you see on our demo (save for the licensed demo images – which are replaced by conforming image placeholders)

    If you are unsure as to how to successfully perform a quickstart installation, please see THIS TUTORIAL


    carv Friend

    Thanks. I got the quickstart file ( 15.9MB ). It went fairly fast.
    So all that is missing is that “Ja Kranos Source files (80.55 MB)” download?

    If most of that stuff is already in the quickstart zip I probably didn’t need to select all 15 of those files to download, right?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@carv 287723 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    If most of that stuff is already in the quickstart zip I probably didn’t need to select all 15 of those files to download, right?</blockquote>

    Unfortunately, the source files are not included within the quickstart package zip – only the template files and related modules, images, data, etc.

    I’m afraid downloading the source files will require a separate “click.”


    carv Friend

    <em>@TomC 287727 wrote:</em><blockquote>Unfortunately, the source files are not included within the quickstart package zip – only the template files and related modules, images, data, etc.

    I’m afraid downloading the source files will require a separate “click.”


    Sorry to keep on about this but I want to make sure I am getting everything I may need.

    So it is only those source files that are missing from the quickstart zip? ( I didn’t a clear answer to that, I don’t think. )

    What exactly is in the source files? Just the psd images files? I usually create my own graphics for site logos etc., so perhaps I don’t even need it.


    Ya, it seems trying to download that larger source files one is where your server has the problem.

    Thanks again.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@carv 287735 wrote:</em><blockquote>Sorry to keep on about this but I want to make sure I am getting everything I may need.
    So it is only those source files that are missing from the quickstart zip? ( I didn’t a clear answer to that, I don’t think. )</blockquote>


    <em>@carv 287735 wrote:</em><blockquote>What exactly is in the source files? Just the psd images files? I usually create my own graphics for site logos etc., so perhaps I don’t even need it. </blockquote>

    Yes, the source files include the .psd files that were utilized to create the various graphical elements for the template.
    If you don’t feel you need them for customizing/modifying any particular graphical elements, then you don’t need them.


    puriridowns Friend

    This problem is still there. (19 files) download breaks consistently (well, twice) at 13.9/63.9 MB and breaks at 11.9/14.9 MB. I had a quick play of downloading only the quick start files and that downloaded the 16.6MB fine well. It appears that there is a file in the list that is not available?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@puriridowns 292747 wrote:</em><blockquote>This problem is still there. (19 files) download breaks consistently (well, twice) at 13.9/63.9 MB and breaks at 11.9/14.9 MB. I had a quick play of downloading only the quick start files and that downloaded the 16.6MB fine well. It appears that there is a file in the list that is not available?</blockquote>
    Unfortunately, I have never experienced an issue similar to the one you are describing.

    Are you certain it is not an issue related to your own particular internet connection or configurations?

    puriridowns Friend

    Well I guess that I cannot be certain that it is not my internet connection. When I can download the quickstart file but not the entire file set (and the quickstart file is larger than the breaking point MB) then my conclusion is that a file is not available to download in the zip.

    If I try to download each file separately, some files result in an error screen:
    You are downloading this file. Please download again in 2 minute.

    These files are I think, ones common to a previous failed download. The failed downloads appear in my browser (Chrome) as “interrupted” so your system thinks they are still being downloaded. I will restart my browser and see if that fixes the problem.

    puriridowns Friend

    Restarted Chrome and the problem remains – the download fails at 13.9/63.9 MB. I will now try the download using Safari.

    puriridowns Friend

    The download in Safari also failed at the same point. ‘Twould seem to indicate an issue in your server?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@puriridowns 292805 wrote:</em><blockquote> ‘Twould seem to indicate an issue in your server?</blockquote>
    Well, myself and several of my fellow JA Support Team Members just conducted a series of download tests of the (19 files) download – and, in every scenario (in different browsers), the files downloaded without issue.

    Unfortunately, my friend, I can only conclude that it is an issue with your particular internet connection – possibly a firewall or other download monitoring software?

    puriridowns Friend

    Something strange is going on.
    First, I have downloaded the full ja_nex_j15 zip file using Safari. The download still broke at the 13.9/63.9 MB point but Safari allows a download to be re-loaded which Chrome does not.
    Second, and subsequently, I went back to Chrome (actually I use Rockmelt) and downloaded this file again, and again, it broke at 13.9MB.

    After this, I successfully downloaded ja_kranos_j15 (17 files, 102.5 MB) which would indicate that this issue is not a firewall ro other issue.

    So then I went back to download and it too failed again at 11.9/14.9 MB.

    So then I went and had some dinner and when I came back, all the files were downloaded.

    Thanks for your support on this issue.


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