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  • alexHOKAMP Friend

    Is there no posibility to use the content type plugin on a website other than an English language website. Obiviously the text is hardcoded into the core code of the plugin.

    For example file templates/ja_charity/html/layouts/joomla/content/item/event.php line 204 says:

    <?php echo JText::_(Speakers’); ?>

    Of course I could change that to whatever I want to, but in a multilanguage site it should look like that:

    <?php echo JText::_(‘PLG_JACONTENT_TYPE_SPEAKERS_LABEL’); ?>

    So you can create seperate language files for each language you need if not availabale. Otherwise if changed in the core, multilanguage is not possible and with the next template update the changes are gone.

    Has anyone a solution for this?

    Further, is there a possibility to create an override for files like templates/ja_charity/html/layouts/joomla/content/item/event.php? If yes, where may the location for the override be?

    Thanks in advance.

    Saguaros Moderator


    You can create a new folder called local in this directory: root/templates/ja_charity/

    then copy above file to this local folder (remember to create sub-folders like in old path): root/templates/ja_charity/local/html/layouts/joomla/content/item/event.php

    Then edit as you wish.


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